Beep's Heart attack Part 4

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At the hospital

Bang: Is she ok, Doc?

Doctor: She's fine. She just has something called stress pain.

Becky: Oh. That's why she had the pain in her chest.

Doctor: I suggested that she'd stay here for the night.

The next morning

Doctor: Morning, Beep.

Beep: Morning, Doc. I think the pain in my chest finally stopped.

Doctor: Oh. Well, then I think you're able to go home.

Beep: Thanks, Doc. Bye.

Doctor: If any more problems come ahead just give us a call.

Back at home

Becky: (Sniffling)

Bang: Becky? What's the matter?

Becky: Nothing. I-I just really miss mom.

Bang: Yeah? I miss her too. But it was only one night.

Becky: I know but I still miss her.

Beep: Hey, Guys.

Becky: Mom. I missed you.

Bang: We both missed you, man.

Beep: I missed you guys too.

The End

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