Pillow talk

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Momo was brushing her silky hair into a pony tail . "You should leave it out" I said accedeintily.  "Uh I don't think I should" she said insecurely. I stretched out and made my way of her queen sized bed." I think I should get going" I said. "Kyouka-san I was thinking you could stay in my dorm for a couple of weeks" she said. My heart started racing.
I was speechless. I just dug the dirt out of my finger nails  as I calmed myself. "You can borrow my uniform for today might be a little big though" she said as she sprayed herself with perfume.
"Ok" I said. I was cold. That I physically started to shiver, my jaw rattling.

She turned and looked at me. Are you cold? She asked politely. I nodded .
Here is a uniform top and um my sweater so you can stay warm She said. I took the clothes from her. You can get dressed in my bathroom she gestured me. Ok I said.
I went in the bathroom and took off my clothes. My body erupted with goosebumps. I put on Momo's uniform top and skirt which was a little big.
Then I put on the hoodie. I took in a big whiff . Wow she's smells amazing, like home. I slipped into it and I felt much warmer.

I looked in the mirror I looked pale

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I looked in the mirror I looked pale. I used the restroom and then put water in my face to wake me up a little.
I came out of the bathroom. Momo was sitting on her bed, her nose in a book. We should go I said . I think she was to caught up in what she was reading. I stood there contemplating on whether I should interrupt her. I crawled on the bed and sat behind her putting my chin on her shoulder. She looked over at me. We should get going I said. Y-yeah she stuttered I wonder why she's usually so bold and confident. We got up and left the dorm heading to the gates of UA High.

Yao-momo wait up I whined as she was walking ahead of me. She looked back at me but she kept walking. Eventually she met up with Todoroki and Ida at the front gates. And as for me I was left by myself. I say Denki talking to Sero his crush and I didn't wanna interrupt their conversation so I just stood awkwardly by myself. I felt someone standing next to me. I look over to see Bakugou and Kirishima. They both nodded their heads at me as a greeting as a "wassup". I nodded back. The gates opened and the student flooded in. As I was walking the hallway I heard a familiar voice. Hey Jiro I see that your wearing Yaoyorozu sweater Deku said.
Yeah I said with a blush and a slur. Do you like her? He asked. Umm can we talk about this later after lunch I said. Wow Jiro you I'm honored that you trust me to tell me something very personal he said with his smile. I pinched his cheeks. Yeah yeah I laughed and had finally reached out classroom.
I sat in my usual spot.
Mr. Aizawa began lecturing us. I didn't pay too much attention because I didn't really care I've learned this before.
Well class just to let you know you guys have a 4 day break, you can go home visit your parents or stay in campus he said that was the only thing I caught out of the whole time he was talking.
I yawned and pulled my hood over my head. This hoodie is really nice and it smells like her.
Class dismissed
I wasn't hungry so I skipped lunch and just sat on the layout wall next to the outside tables. Lunch was over and people started headed to their dorms through the main gate. I waited by it for Midoriya.
He waved at me with a kind smile that I tried to return. So? He said.
I explained everything to him and he nodded along.
I feel the same about Todoroki he said .
Well I guess that means we're in the same situation I shrugged and joked. Yeah he laughed.  I'll see ya around he said. Yeah I said and we headed our own ways. Shit. I remembered I guess I'm staying with Yao
for a week or two. I headed to her dorm. I knocked. You can come in I heard. I opened the door. And looked around the corner to see.....

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