The Hidden Truth

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Happy Birthday, Mason!

Happy 2nd Anniversary to the Muggleborn Slytherin!

Teddie stopped searching.

There wasn't a clock in the room, so she wasn't fully aware of how long she had been searching, it felt like hours, and it probably was. But the light outside the glass-paned window was still relatively light, with a hint of darkness encroaching in the horizon. The night was coming fast.

She had been searching for a way out after the woman had left her, Teddie had waited a few minutes, just to see if she would return when she didn't then Teddie had taken in her surroundings.

She was in a bedroom - if she had to venture a guess, she would have said the master bedroom - there was a King size bed in the far-left corner, a grand fireplace stood opposite it beside a giant bookcase. The books were old, the pages were torn, and dust-covered them, they were also leather-bound, which only added to their age - who had leather-bound books anymore?

In front of the fireplace sat a chair with a high back. The material that covered it used to be red, but it was worn and covered in dust, just like everything else. It was clear that the room hadn't been used for some time, but Teddie still hadn't found anything that told her where she was... and the search for an exit route was coming up short.

Teddie had looked everywhere- a hidden passage in the walls, a trapdoor under the bed, a latch on the window - but there was nothing. Nothing but the door the unfamiliar woman had gone through.

Teddie swallowed.

She didn't want to try the door. What if whoever had taken her was waiting on the other side? What if putting her in this room was a trick? They could've have been testing her, waiting to see what she would do.

Professor Moody had asked her how far she was willing to go to protect Mason, that could have been part of this. Was Mason on the other side of the door?

Teddie banished the thought. Mason was safe at Hogwarts. He was protected by friends and the Professors, not to mention Dumbledore. There was no way Moody and his accomplice were foolish enough to go after Mason while he was so well guarded, right?


Teddie spun around. The door was open an inch. She hesitated, waiting to see if it would open any more. When it didn't, Teddie crept closer and grasped the door edge, pulling it open. She stopped short, though, as a tall, slender body blocked the door. Teddie felt her heart race as she looked up into the face of the woman who had abducted her from Hogwarts.

"Hello, darling," said the woman,

Teddie stumbled backwards, her hand grasping at her sleeve for her wand. She looked down when she couldn't feel it, her brow furrowed in confusion.

"Looking for this?" the woman asked.

Teddie looked up and saw that she was holding her wand. "Give that back!" she snapped,

"Careful, little witch, we wouldn't want to cause any problems here, would we?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," Teddie said.

The woman laughed. "There is no point in lying to me, sweetheart," she said. "We both know what you're capable of."

Teddie swallowed. "What do you want with me?" she asked.

"I would like to get to know you. Is that okay?"

"You don't kidnap people you want to get to know," said Teddie, shaking her head.

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