Floor and Chair: the second chapter

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By night, one way; by day, another... floor and chair were to remain a secret.

Two infamous wood-crossed lovers of Hogwarts, unable to commit the unholy actions, the splintering good practice of what should be under the cover of darkness.
Though with broad daylight being to only time a fidgety teen would prompt that of an intimate moment between the pair, they were forced to engage only in the company of others, left only to talk during the moons presence.

"They're inanimate objects, Thorn! It's a stupid story, not even one intended to be believed at all. It was made to be a joke, to be laughed about!"

"Dean, I've never known a bigger buzzkill!"

"Yeah, And they're not inanimate if you move them," Seamus chimed.

And when the gripped chair, sliding her rapidly back and forth... complete and utter chaos.

Legend is that the floor boards squeaked and rumbled, made the biggest fuss.
Now, it wasn't often that chair smoked after a round of romance, but as quick as the three sixth years left, the wood built 180• angle lit up.

Chair and floors nights continued the same, and this made chair bored. If only true love meant that flaws didn't matter.

Flaws including never ending cycle of sex, smoke, sleep. No excitement.

But chair was luck enough to be left some objects by a believer of a student to spice up the quality of their relationship with floor...

Chair x floor "the grind" -a Wattpad originalМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя