Resolutions / Author Note

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It was beginning to get dark as you made your way uptown from your house. You had meant to start a little sooner, but one thing led to another and before you knew it your were running a little behind. At least it wasn't far from home to the pub and you had plenty of time to arrive before it became completely dark outside. You smiled to yourself, the last few months had been so much better than any time that you known, even during your living days. You had made a close friendship (maybe more than friendship?) with two wonderful demons that didn't want anything from you except your time and companionship, which you were more than happy to provide. They had even been helping you to work through the anxieties you possessed, although you knew that those feelings would always be with you, it was certainly nice to have someone that was willing to listen and understood where you were coming from. Since that first morning in your living room, discussing your life over those delectable treats, you found it had been easier to open up about most things. At least you hadn't run away again when asked questions, and that was something.

You were almost to the pub, now. You could see the outline of the large hanging sign above the door. In a few minutes you would be inside, and you could still see the last bits of light from the "sun" in the sky, as the streetlights (or at least the ones that still worked) were beginning to turn on. You knew that there was one last alleyway that you needed to pass to get to the pub, and as you neared it, you felt a nervousness in the pit of your stomach. You tried to look down the alley before crossing, but it was hoplessly dark as you made your way across. For good measure, you had stepped off the sidewalk and walked past the alley on the street, holding your breath. As soon as you passed the alley you sprinted from there to the front door of the pub, keeping an eye open behind you all the way. Perhaps if you had been looking in front of you instead of behind, you wouldn't have run directly into someone, knocking yourself backwards in the process.

"Pardon me," you begin, noticing that you are not on the ground, but being held by a pair of strong arms. Before you manage to look up, you recognize that deep burgundy jacket, throwing your arms around his torso. He seemed to tense a bit, but then relaxed.

"You were moving quite fast, cheri," he chuckled "but I will admit, this is one of the nicest apologies I've had in a while." You looked up, blushing a little, but seeing his smile made you smile.

"I'm just relieved that it's you" you say, letting him go and taking his offered arm. Always a gentleman, he opens the door for you to lead the way inside. It feels a little strange to visit as a customer, you are much more accustomed to being the server. You look to your "regular" booth and see Angel Dust already seated and waiting for you both. As you near the booth, he pats the seat next to him in invitation to sit there, which you graciously accept. As you scoot in closer, you feel two warm arms drape over your shoulder and pull you close. It's funny, you never thought that you would feel comfortable being this close to anyone, but Angel has that way about him, he knows exactly how to make you feel safe and that makes you smile all the more.

"Nice to see you, dollface" he smiles down at you, leaning over to plant a soft kiss on your forehead.

You giggle, "Nice to see you too, as always." Alastor had made the drink orders just before you arrived, and since the server had returned, he was now making the dinner order, which was fine with you. These two fellas knew how to eat well, and it was always fun to try the new things they ordered. These weekly meet ups have become a habit for the three of you and truth be told, you looked forward to it all week, not just for the food, but for the company as well.

Dinner was great, and before you knew it, dinner was over. You were stuffed, and truth be told, you were a bit tipsy from the wine, but you regretted nothing. This had been a wonderful night, and you knew from experience that it would only get better from here. As the three of you left the pub, arm in arm, in arm, the car was waiting out front, as always. As usual, Angel Dust insisted that you sit on his lap, which you obliged quite willingly. Alastor had even snuggled close to the two of you, allowing you to lean back against his chest. Although there were a few hands snaking about your body, the ride home had been full of comfortable silence and a lot of snuggling into one another. You loved that about these two. Although there were trysts between the three of you, there was also companionship and tenderness and although you hadn't lived to be old, you had lived long enough to know that this wasn't something that you found everyday.

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