Maya SG. & Reader

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Y/N = Your Name

Maya's POV

"No..I guess not..." I whisper looking up at Emily, she had just found me smoking a joint outside her friend's house, I asked her to leave with me because I WILL NOT go back to True North, but she won't, because of her team. Because she's hiding something from me "Not with the team counting on you" I mutter pushing past her going inside and out the front door slamming it behind me.

(Time Skip)

I was just outside Emily's house, I was ready to come back and ask for forgiveness for the things I did and said but then something grabbed my arm and turned me around making me come face to face with Lyndon "What're you doing here?" I asked trying to pry myself off of him "You're not gonna play me like that and walk away like it's funny." He sneered at me glaring down at me suddenly he fell forward unconscious allowing me to move away and gasping I looked and he was dead and had a knife in his boot that fell out, I looked out to my left and saw a tall teen girl there with h/l h/t h/c hair flowing slightly in with the wind, s/t skin was dimmed out since it was dark and pretty much midnight but still visible under street lights and her piercing e/c eyes pretty much glowing under the street lights at the front "C'mon" she said grabbing my wrist and pulling me forward into the woods we got to a little campsite big enough for us, she led me into the tent closing it behind us, it was loud enough that if anyone came opening it in the middle of the night we'd hear it.
"I'm Y/N..." she said as she made up the second sleeping ground "Maya... Do you live out here alone?" I asked sitting behind her, which seemed like a smart idea until she turned tripped and fell on top of me, I groaned as I opened my eyes, her beautiful captivating e/c eyes were clearer than they were outside and all I wanted to do was fall deeply into them "Yeah... I do.." she said softly "You also have nice eyes...." I whisper my hands moving up and moving to her hair from her face "You do too..." she said softly, I could just feel her hands slip under my jacket and shirt to rub my bare waist, it tickled cause I recently got a blue jay and red robing bird tattoo there
Y/N chuckled feeling the ink and tracing her finger gently over it causing her to start smiling down slyly at me "Mind if I be the Blue Jay?" she whispered leaning in closer "As long as I get to be your Red Robin..." I smiled.

(Pretend they're together)

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(Pretend they're together)

"If I kiss someone I just met does that mean I'm weird?" I asked softly, Y/N laughed softly leaning in closer "What's wrong with weird?" She whispers, our lips locking together the minute the words are out and we did NOT stop there.

Time Skip


I convinced Maya's parents that if they let her come to Rosewood high with me so I could always keep an eye on her, and since they thought I was the best influence on Maya and they'd know no one else at the other school they took me on that
I just picked up Maya and we were on our way to school for the first day of school after summer vacation, Emily's been acting distant towards me for a while now and I don't know why, ever since her girlfriend ran away from home she's always distant from me but obviously with the girls she's all good and smiles.
Parking at the school Maya freezes at the car door that she's already standing outside of the car, I sigh walking over to her and wrapped my arms around her waist and placed a gentle kiss to her forehead, she jumped a little and looked back up at me "I'm not going anywhere... you're going to be okay..." I said softly, I hear her gulp slightly and feel her nod "Ready?" I ask softly taking her hand in mine and lifting her head up by her chin "Yeah.. let's go" she smiled kissing me softly which I happily returned, hearing the bell pulls us away from one another making us chuckle lightly "Let's go..." She smiled and pulls me into the school.

Emily's POV

Me and the girls were still trying to figure out what happened to Jason, where he went, what happened, how it- Is that Y/N? And... Maya...? She's back and they're... kissing?!
"Em? Emily. Are you alright?" Aria asked nudging me in my side, lifting my arm I point to the kissing girls in front of me.
"Isn't That Maya? And... Y/N?" Hanna asked gasping looking between everyone as the two pulled away and looked at each other while, I watched as Y/N wrapped Maya up in her arm leaning into her neck making Maya giggle "When... How... What?" I question my mind lost


Taking out my phone I unlock the newest message
"Look who caught the smoke you blew out Em.... kisses, bitch
"Hey Emily?" I look up at my phone and see Maya "Yeah...?" I respond, she nods in another direction and I see Y/N at her locker to MY former swim team and her current one, she won captain and Maya's heart? Seriously?! She gets everything!
"Can we talk...?" She says sweetly in the same voice that I fell in and am still in love with "Can't." I said bluntly, turning and closing my locker moving past her and to Y/N "You can't have everything. I won't let you." I sneer shoving her about to walk away but she grips my arm "I don't know who the hell you think you are Emily but I will not allow you to speak to me like that..." she whispers releasing me and walking to the school's pool with Maya under her arm.

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