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You and Conor have been talking and going on dates for a few months but you were both ready to take your relationship to the next level by being an official couple.

He feels the same way but insists that you meet his band members first, so you and Conor are  at Chance's house to hang out with the boys.

"Babe don't be nervous, they're gonna love you," Conor assures you, grabbing your hand.

"I hope so. It's just that I know how important they're opinions are to you and i'm just scared that it might change something between us if they end up not liking me," you frown, looking up towards the house.

"That's not gonna happen I promise. You ready?" he smiles.

"Lets do this," you reply, knocking on the door.

As the door swings open, you're met with a tall boy with blonde curly hair. A huge smile appears on his face as he greets us and welcomes you into the house.

"What's up bro!" he says to Conor and they do a handshake. He then turns to you.

"And you must be y/n! I've heard so much about you! I'm brady," he reaches his hand out politely.

"It's so nice to finally meet you, really, Conor can't stop talking about you and the other guys," you shake his hand.

"Ha I knew it! You love us Conor don't you," he teases, causing Conor to roll his eyes playfully.

"Shut up man," he chuckles.

Brady's eyes light up with excitement, "Come on! Lets go meet the others!"

He leads you through a hall way to a big room with a few couches and a tv on the wall. There are four guys sprawled around the room, laying on the couches but they sit up when they see you approach.

You hear a chorus of "heys" as they come to greet you. After all the introductions, you guys decide to order pizza since it was lunch time and everyone was hungry.

"What kind of pizza does everyone like?"

"Bro imagine if they made pizzas with chicken nuggets on them. I'd pay twice for that," Sergio answers.

"That sounds hella good," you drool over the idea.

"Conor. If you don't marry this girl right now, you've lost your mind," he says seriously, causing everyone except Chance to laugh.

Everything is going smoothly and the guys are super nice. You felt that you have been getting along great and you've noticed your nerves start to disappear the longer you hang out with them.

When the pizza arrives, you all sit around the dining table, eating like you've never seen food before.

"So y/n," Chance begins, "what do you do? I've heard from Conor that you're in the fashion industry?"

"Yeah, I'm actually doing a bit of modeling myself. I started behind the scenes as a makeup artist. But I'm now progressing to being in front of the camera," you laugh nervously.

"Oh so I wouldn't see you in any magazines then?" Chance chuckles.

"Not at the moment, but hopefully in the future!" you respond.

"So what is it that you want from it? Fame?" he asks bluntly.

"Um no? Just to make a living off of doing what I love," you respond awkwardly.

"You know it's hard to make it in the fashion industry, I bet you're barely scraping by," he smirks.

Conor stands up, "Chance," he says sternly, "we need to talk." Chance rolls his eyes before glaring at you and following Conor out of the room.

You shift uncomfortably in your seat.  Chance wasn't wrong, you had been struggling financially but recently things had been looking brighter for you.

"Sorry about him, he's just really protective," Sergio says with a sympathetic frown.

"Yeah he's like the dad of the group," Drew laughs, "seriously don't take it personal. I think you're great for Conor." The others murmur in agreement.

"I'm glad, he makes me super happy," you smile, relieved that the others approve of you.

A few minutes later, Conor and Chance return and you guys carry on like nothing happened, but it was still pretty obvious that a Chance didn't really like you.

Soon enough, it was time to go because the boys had an event they had to attend to and get ready for. Conor was going to drop you off back at your apartment, so you two head towards his car. You realize you forgot your jacket in the house so you tell him that you'll be right back.

Chance is the one to open the door when you knock. He lets you in and follows you to the kitchen where you left your jacket.

"Once again, thanks for having me over and for the food and all. It was nice meeting everyone," you say politely.

"No problem, well nice knowing you, I'm sure you won't be back again," he says reaching to open the front door for me.

You keep your hand on the door to stop him from opening it and turn to him, "Did I do something to make you dislike me?" you ask, curious as to why he's been so cold to you.

"Listen. I know the type of girl you are. Getting with Conor to increase your popularity. It's happened before, let me tell you he cut her off just like that," he snaps.

"You've got it all wrong. I'm with a Conor because I love him, not for some stupid publicity stunt or for fame or money or any shit okay," you rant.

"You love him? And you think he feels the same?" he laughs, "I don't think you know how many girls he has brought here once and then dumped."

Conor never spoke about his exes, not that I wanted to hear, but what Chance just told me made me feel a little insecure about our relationship. He opens the door and waves his hand.

"Bye Chance," you say quietly.

When you get back to the car, Conor is on his phone texting someone. He looks up and you fake a smile. On the ride back he keeps glancing at you every once in a while.

"Hey, everything alright?" he asks.

"Um yeah," you say quietly and look out the window.

"Okay," he responds turning up the music and humming along.

When you reach your apartment, you kiss him goodbye and go inside. Maybe you were looking past his reputation of sleeping with a lot of girls. Maybe you needed some space to think.

(part 2 coming)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2020 ⏰

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