I am fine

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„I am fine!" we all say that when someone asks us how we really are, even when we feel like crap! Why are we doing it? Cause we feel like we need to tell people we are fine. Like who wants to admit that they are having a pretty hard time right now?! No one really likes to admit that their life is not going the way it was supposed to go. Take me for example I always say I am fine when that couldn't be more far from the truth...I say it cause I am afraid to „bother" other people with my problems. And I know I am not the only one. But I mean if we get ask how we are shouldn't we be honest? Cause people that ask you this question might actually care about you enough to want to know the truth. And when you lie to them there is no way to get any help. Because you just said everything is colors and flowers when in reality you feel like you are about to die or you are just so stressed that all you want to do is cry. Guess what? Asking for help can actually make you feel
Better. I know easier said than done. I am not any better with asking for help. But I hope this texts opens your eyes a little and you don't always feel the need to say that you are fine when that is not the case.

If you guys liked this let me know cause there is more where this is coming from.

Next time I am talking about „being confident".

Being Honestحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن