~Chapter 16~

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Harry Styles

"Hey, you free?" I spoke down the phone as I walked away from Olive's house. I needed to let off steam. It had been a great night but I was frustrated by what had happened. I thought it was the right moment and I didn't know what I had done that had made her pull away. Then I got thinking as to whether she had actually ever kissed someone.
"Yeah man! I'm at that Chemistry club down from your place!" Henry said, shouting over the noise of the club.
I hated that place. It was a place where people felt it were acceptable to have sex in corners or bathroom stalls, a place of overly drunk people and drugs. But it was a place where I could definitely let off steam and move past what happened with Olive.

As I walked into the club the stench of sweat and alcohol hit my nose and the back of my throat. The music was way too loud and I struggled to walk through the mass of bodies grinding up against each other. I could barely see a metre in front of me and struggled to see where Henry was.
"Hey you made it!"
A hand clasped my shoulder and I turned to see Henry stood there, a large smile on his face. I followed him to a small circular table and we sat down next to one another in the booth.
"So. What's going on?" He asked sipping on a colourless drink.
"I had a date with Olive this evening" I said and he smirked, both of his trimmed eyebrows raising.
"So why are you here?! Shouldn't you two be banging up a storm by now?!" He laughed and I rolled my eyes at his words.
"That's the thing I didn't kiss her. She pulled away when I tried" I sighed and knocked back my first shot of the evening.
"Well did you ask her if you could kiss her?" Henry asked.
"No. I sort of just leaned in and nudged our noses together a few times and we were honestly about a millimetre away then the lights came on in the cinema and she just sat back up and moved away from me" I explained and Henry shrugged.
"Well you knew she didn't believe in all this stuff to begin with. I'm sure it wouldn't be that easy to kiss her. You gotta wait for her to come around, think how she must be feeling" he said and I simply raised one of my eyebrows. Henry sighed and shook his head at me.
"Just think, the poor girl has most likely never kissed anyone in her life. She's probably a nervous wreck! Nervous about kissing you because she's built up her whole being on not believing in love and now you're trying to change that, and nervous about kissing in general. And now she's probably thinking that you don't like her because you left her and most likely didn't say anything. Put yourself in her shoes bud. Or don't and get yourself another girl and forget about it" He said and left me alone at the table.

I had been such an asshole.
Second shot.
I hadn't even thought about how she was feeling now. I groaned and rested my head on the back of the booth. Not once had it crossed my mind how she would have read the situation.
Third shot.
Maybe I couldn't do this with Olive. Maybe I wasn't the right person to show her what love was.
Fourth shot.
I had no idea where she was coming from. No idea how she couldn't see that love was possible.
Fifth shot.
I needed someone. I needed someone to let go with. I couldn't go back to Olive. I needed something more than just talking right now.

I felt myself walk out of the booth and onto the dance floor; not that I wanted to dance or really knew how to properly dance like they did but I needed someone.
I found my someone in a slim blonde girl standing a little more than a metre away from me. It was easy. I met her gaze, smirked, and she did the rest.
"Take a picture it'll last longer" she grinned sauntering over.
"See I would take a photo but I'd rather have the real thing" I said. The girl smirked and shook her head wrapping her arms round my neck.
"I'm not looking for serious" she said in my ear and I sent a grin back her way.
"Good. Neither am I" I said. "I live two minutes away"
"Then let's get out of here" she said and I nodded.

We quickly made our way to the exit and stumbled out of the pulsating club. We laughed as we tried to walk straight. It only took a few minutes to get to the house.
We spent no time talking and it all happened so quickly. But on nights like these that's how I wanted it. Yet as we lie in bed, the girl asleep, my mind couldn't help but wander back to Olive. I knew it wasn't fair for me to do this to her but surely she had to understand. Surely.

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