Chapter three

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^------ bayani <3

-=+=-Bayani's POV-=+=-

Ugh I hate English it is so stupid, sure I mean reading is okay and all...okay I love it but anyways I'm not good a stupid writing and junk. Me and H run over to his car "dude what if I get paired with that gay British kid?" I ask strapping myself in "Bayani there like a 5% chance you will man" H said reassuring me, H then drive us over to the school and I see the two very well know gay kids at out school, Zach and Will, though I've heard Will refer to Zach as Graser so I don't know, seriously why would anyone be gay? Graser acts especially gay just to piss everybody off I bet, and then Will he's been here for like 2 months and before any girls knew they threw themselves at him, I mean sure he's "attractive" I GUESS I mean it's not like I'M gay or anything, like ew "come on I got to get I French, enjoy your stat in math" H said laughing, I hate math too "fuck off" I said and I pushed open the door "Bayani! Your late!" Mrs, Lavelle screeches "yeah yeah sorry" I mumble, fuck my usual seat in the back is taken "one more warning and it's detention" she said, seeing my confusion on where to sit she spoke up " you can sit in the front next to Will" she said and walked up to the front of the classroom, I plopped my stuff down and grabbed my notebook, guess I can't sleep this class period, Fuck. After about 20 minutes of note taking I got bored and started looking around the room, my eyes fell on Will, he had really pale skin and nice eyes, I felt myself staring for a while an Will noticed "um...wh..why are staring" he squeaked in his accent "what I wasn't staring at you homo I was staring at Maddie fag" I said, I wasn't staring at him like I like him cause then if be gay and I'm not, will turned around and saw Maddie, she had tan skin, shoulder length brown hair, and this owl hat "oh I'm so s..sorry" he said and kept his head down and stared taking notes again, damn why does he look so cute doing that...again not gay!

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