Chapter eight

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"Oh! I wasn't expecting you there; Alfred did not say anything." I laughed nervously. Francine looked at me in my towel, and she looked as if she could not speak. "Oh, let me close the door" I rushed to my bedroom door and closed it. Locking it in the process. "Why did you lock it?" She asked, nearly sweating. I looked at her with a lifted eyebrow, "so no one walks in on us, or interrupts us," I said confused. I guess I should have told Alfred to tell me when she arrived. That was a mistake on my part.

"Interrupt? What would they interrupt?" She asked nervously. "Are you okay?" I asked. She was fanning herself. "Yeah, I am just a little hot in here," she said laughing. "Oh, you can take some off," I suggested. She was wearing like a million pairs of clothes. She could take off her jacket. "What?" She asked, confused. "Your jacket, gosh what is up with you?" I laughed. I walked over to my dresser drawer and looked at the underwear I had. Maybe I should wear something sexy? "How about I wear this?" I lifted up my lingerie garments to show her, and she looked as if she was about to pass out.

"Yes!! ....that would be fine" she said nearly stuttering. Her face was red, and I have no idea what was wrong. "Are you okay? If you are sick, we don't have to go," I suggested. I walked to her looking at her face. "You might be overheated from that jacket; you can take it off," I smiled. She nodded slowly and took off her coat. She was wearing a beautiful purple dress that matched her very well. "Just give me a second to put this on so I can get out of this towel."

In high school, I had to dress and undress in front of other girls, so I had no shyness when it came to dressing in front of other women. I did not want to scare her off, so I quickly did it under my towel. "There we go! How does it look? I figured if I do meet someone, I would need to be prepared." Showing her what I had on, she started to stutter. "Uhhh... looks gr...great," this behavior was really odd. I thought about what Alfred told me earlier, but I don't know.

"I picked this for you," she took out a green dress that looked like it would be snug on me. It was backless and had no straps or sleeves. "I picked this one because I thought it would look amazing on you," she said with excitement. "Oh, how sweet, thank you" I took the dress and started to put it on. "I am thinking I would leave my hair down tonight?" I smiled, and she nodded eagerly. "Yes! It looks amazing down," she smiled sweetly. "I can do your makeup and hair if you would like?"

"Oh yes!! That would be great. Actually, I am so excited for Alfred to see me. I never go out or dress up, so I am sure he will be shocked as I am." I laughed. I sat in a seat by the mirror, and she took out some of her makeup to use on me. "I am sure he is just glad you are finally getting out there," she said. "Yes! I am excited too," as I let her start working on me, I felt my heart beating. I was nervous about tonight, but it would be good for me.

"Okay! All done! Take a look," Francine stepped back, admiring her work as I turned around to look at myself. " made me beautiful," I smiled. I touched my freshly curled hair and smiled. "You were already beautiful before; I just exaggerated the way you look," Francine smiled, looking at me. I turned around to look at her and pulled her in for a hug. "Thank you so much! This means a lot to me; it really does" I smiled. I checked the time, and it was nearly nine. "Okay, let's go; you ready?" She asked.

Francine dreamily looked at me as I stood up on my feet. "Yes, and very excited" I stood up straight as if trying to be as confident as Francine. "Alright then, let's go" she grabbed my hand, gently pulling me out of the room and down the steps.  "Take a look at your mom Alfred!" Francis called. The boys looked at me, shocked. "That's his mom?" Matthew said, shocked. Alfred pushed his face, and they started laughing at each other. "You look great, don't listen to him," Alfred smiled carefreely.

He seemed relieved that I had let Francine do this much to me.  "Alright, we will be home late; there is food in the fridge; remember that you have my number for emergencies. Please be careful, don't open the door for strangers" I started going over things, and everyone laughed. "Mom, we are seventeen; we can handle it. Just have fun," Alfred laughed, pushing me out the door. Alfred handed me my purse and closed the door behind me. "I swear...that kid always is putting me before him," I shook my head. "At least you know he cares about your happiness."

"Yeah... how did I end up with such a great kid?" I asked, laughing. We both started to walk toward her car as we continued to talk. "I have no idea either. I feel the same about Mattie." She shrugged. I stepped into her car as I began to get butterflies. " is going to be okay; I am with you" she placed her hand on mine, squeezing it gently. I guess she could tell how nervous I was. "yes, I know," I smiled at her, returning the hand squeeze. "Alright then, let's get this night started"

Thanks for reading so far ❤️

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