Chapter 7: Needles, hospitals, and angels?! OH MY!

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  • Dedicado a Alice <3

Mikey's P.O.V.

----------------------------after about an hour, Gerard walked out with a scared expression, and very pale skin. Even paler than normal.. And he's pretty damn pale.. "Ok. we will give Ms. Woods the blood. It may take a little while for her to wake. You can visit her at any time now. Mr. Way. Please eat, and drink extra. You may feel a little weak. You did donate a lot of blood. You also need to get plenty of rest. Have a good day!" the nurse announces and leaves. "are you ok Gee?.." I give him a hug. "t-the needle was r-really big.. But it was worth it.. It was for my Celeste.." he says wide-eyed and shaking. "you really like her don't you?.." I ask, pushing my glasses up."Y-yes.. I would d-die for her.." he says. "Awh... It's ok gee.. Let's go visit her! We can see her! Remember what the nurse said?.. " I smile "But only for a little while... You need to sleep, and eat" Ray says. "yeah. So let's see her nowww!! " Frankie runs up to the desk to ask for her room number. "IT'S ROOM 114!!" frank screeches and runs to the elevator with us in pursuit. "FRANKENSTEIN! SLOW DOWN!!" Ray yells and we make it just in time, right before the doors closed. "AHAHHAHAHAAAA!" frank cackles like a witch, and takes off to Celeste's room. "good god.." ray chases after him, and we walk into Celeste's room. Instantly Gerard started crying."We better give them some space.." I say. Ray and frank nod, and we walk out.

----------------------------Celeste's P.O.V

---------------------------Darkness. That's the one thing I see. I remember what happened... Is this what death feels like?... I hear a voice! I try to run to the voice, but nothing is there! Then I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around, and there stood my mom. She was surrounded my light. She looked so.. Beautiful?.. "Mom?.." I say tearing up. "its me honey.." she smiles and wipes my tears away. "am I dead?.." "no baby girl... You're in a coma.. I'm your guardian angel.. You have a choice. To live. Or die. I'll show you what you're life will be like if you die." she takes my hand, and take me to a door. She opens it, and I see a crying Ray at a desk. "this is your friend Ray. He became I workaholic after you died. That's the only way he could stop being depressed." He drives home to a small house, and a beautiful lady, who a assume Is his wife hugs him. A little girl runs and hugs his legs. "That's Christa, his wife. Do you see that little girl?' I nod.'thats is Angel Celeste Toro. He named her after you.. He vowed to never forget you.." I smile. "ok moving on to Mikey." she walks to another door, and opens it. There is the normal nerdy Mikey, but he's sitting crying, with a pretty girl trying to console him.. But he pushes her away.. I frown slightly. "Mikey never picked up his bass again after you died.. That girl is his fiancée Alicia. He is never happy. Alicia is always worried he will try to Harm himself." a tear slides down my cheek. "Frank is next." we walk through another door. Instead of being the loud obnoxious Frank, he was sitting at a table, attempting to write a song. I smile a little. Whom I'm guessing is his wife walks in, and rubs his back. He sighs in disgust with himself and bangs his head on the table crying. "Frank was never his normal self after you died.. He had his own band, Pencey Prep, but he ended it because he got so depressed. His wifes name is Jamia,They have two twin little girls, Cherry and Celeste." I smile a little."he has been devastated by what Gerard has done." "wha-" "I'll show you." my mom opens a door, and I see Gerard slicing a knife across his arm, with a bottle of whiskey in his hand. I break out crying. "Gerard became an alcoholic. He also does drugs. He never got over you. Frank is constantly watching him to make sure he doesn't try to kill himself. Again. He's tried suicide 11 times since your death. But the boys saved him each time. H-" "NO! THAT'S ENOUGH! I WANT TO LIVE!!" "Ok dear. I'm sorry for upsetting you. I'll see you.. I'm always going to watch over you. Goodbye." she kisses my cheek and disappears. I hear sobbing, and feel someone holding my hand. I squeeze the hand, and I open my eyes. "Gee?.." I say in a weak voice.

----------------------------VOTE! COMMENT! FAN! ❤✌-Rose

Thank You For The Venom (A Gerard Way Fanfic) ON HOLDOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora