Give strength..

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Colin's POV.

I rushed upstairs from the basement. Adam ran after me.
"What happened Colin? You look freaked out. " Adam just put his hand to my shoulder to try to get to me.

"Raven just answered my call. And she wants to drive drunk. Fuck. I need to be faster than her Adam. She doesn't drive well. Not in a weather like this. Not fucking drunk."
I felt like I am exploding. I am as scared and as angry as hell. How can Raven be this reckless? I need to leave. Now.

"Do you want me to go with you? Just calm down. You also need to drive. Have you drunk anything?"

"No, I haven't but I need to go Adam. Just wait here. We are coming back here. "

I was running out to my car and went over the speed limit. But I knew I need to get to her. I know how bad the road is and she was never this reckless before. I am worried as fuck.
I was half way around when I saw something on the side of the road. And then it hit me. It was her silver Pt. Cruiser. She crashed into a tree. I could hear sirens but there wasn't any ambulance around.
I quickly got out of the car and rushed towards her. I tried so hard not to freak out. Keep calm Colin. You need to get to her. Just keep calm.
There were some people around the car but no one helped her. They must have recognised me but didn't say anything so I just shouted over to them:
"Did someone called the ambulance? "

Thank God,that an elderly woman said that they are on their way.
But I knew I need to get Raven out of her car. It was broken like hell. And on her side.
I tried to open her door but I couldn't so I climbed in through the other door. I tried calling her:
"Kitten,it's me. Can you hear me? Kitten please answer me. Please."
But my pledges weren't heard. She was unconscious and her head was bleeding. I tried to be as gentle as possible to lift her out of the car but I was a bit calmer when I heard her whimper but I knew that the only reason is that she feels extreme pain.
"It's okay baby. It's gonna be okay. I get you out of here, just don't leave me. Please. Hold on for me kitten."

I lifted her out and sat down on the pavement and held her in my arms till the ambulance arrived. I tried to wake her,than I just told her a million times how much I love her and that I can't lose her.
As the ambulance arrived, I started panicking. It was the hardest thing to let them take her away from my arms. Colin you had to think logically. Someone needs to take care of her car as well. I ask the ambulance which hospital are they taking her.

Their answer is quick and straight:
"To the closest on Mark Avenue. Her injuries are serious. But I advise you to first take care of her car. She will be taken good care of. And you will find her in Saint Marie Hospital. But we gotta hurry."
And they left. I need to call someone. I decided on Matt first.
"Matt, I need you to help me. Raven is in the hospital. She had a crash with her car. And I need to take care of the car. What the fuck am I supposed to do Matt? I have never done this. And I am scared as fuck for her. " I was nearly crying.

"Calm down man. Okay. She had a crash. Now she is in hospital. And you need to take care of the car."

"Yeah. What haven't you understand goddamn it?" I was furious.

"Calm down Colin. I make some calls. Then I call you back. "

I was just walking up and down for 5 minutes when my phone rang.
"Tell me your exact location and someone will pick up the car in 15 minutes. Until then I get there too. Just send me the location."
And he ended the call. I envy Matt. He could be so calm while I don't even know what to do. But I know he must be hell worried too. Raven is like his little sister. I am grateful that he organised everything.
When he arrived on bike, he just came closer and gave me a hug. I am not a hugger myself but Matt is one of my oldest best friends.
And he told me the exact things I needed to hear.
"Fuck, she will be alright Colin. Don't underestimate her. She is a tough girl. Our tough princess. Now let's get to her as soon as we can. Her car will be repaired till she comes out of the hospital. "

Colin - The rhythm of my heartbeatWhere stories live. Discover now