The Question

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"Dana, where are you taking me?!" I giggled while he was pulling my arm while running. "You'll see!" He laughed. We were on the beach and he was taking me farther and farther down the beach where no one usually went. We finally got to a rusty old shack. "Dana?" I questioned. "Don't worry, it's nice in there." He smiled taking my hand and walking in. I looked around to see lights all around and a picnic table in the middle with plates, utensils, food and a lit candle. "Do you like it?" He nervously asked. " did this all for me! Of course I like it!" I pecked his lips and he smiled. I sat down and put a napkin on my lap. He did the same. We sat there talking and eating our food, it was more than hour maybe two but it felt longer. It was peaceful and beautiful. We sat there quiet for a few seconds. "So..Ive been meaning to ask you something." He started to shake a little while grabbing my hand. I looked at him a little confused on what he was about to ask me. "So we've known each other for awhile. Everything about you is just amazing! You are amazing! Every time I see you I want to kiss you! I can kinda do that now, but you drive me crazy with that walk of yours and the way you bat your eyes when you are begging me for something, I love it! So I ask you tonight, hoping you will say yes..." He stood up and walked over to me grabbing my hand and making me stand up. I looked at him with a smile, I kinda had a feeling what he was going to ask me. "So Brianna Marie Ferguson, Will you be my girlfriend?" I smiled as he looked at me with a nervous expression on his face. "Dana.." His face smile dropped. "Dana! Of course I will!" I giggled at how his face brightened up. He pulled me into a hug and kissed my lips.

"Thanks Dana, for everything." I smiled hugging and kissing him. "You're welcome babe. I'm always here for you,you know." I smiled. "I know." We said our goodbyes and I walked into the house.


"Baby, wake up." I groaned. "Baby, wake up." I woke up slowly. I smiled at the sight of my boyfriend. It was so weird calling him boyfriend because we would've never thought I would actually be his girlfriend. "Were you dreaming about me?" I giggled and kissed his lips. "How'd you get in?" "Your mom silly..." I laughed. "Babe, my mom is gone she left my dad and I at 8." He frowned. "So your dads girl?" "No, it's Jess' mom." "Oh." I giggled and kissed his nose. He smiled. "What are you doing today?" I thought and remembered about the modeling interview that was pushed back to today. "Modeling Interview." I looked at the time and saw that I had to leave in 30 mins. "Oh my god! I have to get ready! I will call you later babe when I get home okay?" I said running into the bathroom and closing the door. "O-kay.." He stood at the door. I opened the door. "I had a feeling I forgot something." I said kissing his lips. He smiled and I heard him say goodbye to Jess' mom.

I got to the modeling building and waited for them to call me in. I was on my phone while someone started to talk to me. "Hi, you new here?" I turned to see a tall, tan brunette, with hazel eyes, and very muscular. "Yeah, Hello, I'm Brianna." I shook his hand. "Nick." I smiled. "So how long have you been modeling?" "For about 5 years." He was interested. "Impressive." I nodded. "Yeah, how about you?" "For 3 years." "That's great-" I was interrupted. "Brianna Ferguson, Brianna Ferguson." The lady at the front desk called. "See you around?" I asked. He nodded. "Oh wait." I turned. "Here's my number. Hope to talk to you!" I smiled and followed the lady to the interview room. After getting finished with the interview the girl said they would call me. I hoped I got the job. It would mean so much to me.

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