MR 120

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There used to be a time when robotic life was a fantasy people dreamed about in the ancient world. Today, year 3238, life incorporates robotics in every way, shape, and form, until the day I set human-kind free. After the World War of 2047, or Tech War as the ancients deemed, human life almost went extinct. The ancients of those times were so head strong on advancing technology and creating new machinery that they never stopped to think about the consequences that would emerge. All that mattered to them was the chance of becoming the person who created the next big technological advancement, instead of their concern being what kind of world will be in the future if we keep going down this I've got better tech than you do path.

The Tech War began sometime in the early 21st century, like 2023, and went until the almost annihilation of human kind in 2047. During the war the ancients used primitive technology, including what they called high tech missiles and smart bombs, to basically try and change the authority of the world to a different country. Apparently, if I have my history correct, the United States of America and some country in what was called the Middle East pulled the rest of the world into their war and the destruction began. The aftermath of the war included the destruction of ninety-nine-point-five percent of the world population, which means only 2,250,000 million people were left world wide (the original population in 2023 was around four point five billion people); that was apparently the size of some place called Florida in 2018. The Tech War went on until the last year of 2047 when some person apparently was able to create the first actual fully functional military robot, or the MR-120, which is the first generation of the robots that run the world now.

The MR-120 was the first robotic unit created by mankind that was programmed with only one of Isaac Asimovs laws of robotics, known as the zeroth law, which says a robot may not harm humanity, or through inaction allow humanity to come to harm. This being programmed into the robotic system of MR-120 and only this law meant that the robot was able to identify that the human-kind was the threat to humanities existence, thus the robot, doing what was programmed into his system, was the reason why there was only 2,250,000 people left as the robot calculated who was among those who is a threat to society, and who was not.

After the annihilation and the war ended, human-kind gathered together to try and carry on with life, but the robot figured that the humans will have to be in check, thus leading to the first wave of new generation MR units. The original MR-120 unit found a human with a weak mind in courage and promised him and his entire family line safety if he were to help modify and create ne generations of MR units, which of course the guy agreed to. This guy was known as Christoph Bernard, a French engineer who studied in the field of robotics. Well his family line did continue ad did the generation line of MR units. Now the units went all the way up to the 1320 series (roughly one generation wave is created every one hundred years).

As the continuation of human-kind went on, along with the continuation of ever-growing MR units, human kind was forced to be ruled by a leader who was basically a puppet to the MR units. Who that person is one may ask, well the answer is pretty obvious. The current leader is of the Bernard line, my family line, and as promised my entire family line has grown up in the science of robotics and engineering, thus we have kept Christophs promise of continuing on the creation of MR units. Now my family might have great repour with the MR side, however, the human-kind side is lets say a rocky relationship. For my entire life I was trained on the ways of building and creating software and hardware updates to create the next more powerful and advanced MR unit, while maintaining and making sure that the original MR-120 unit has his needs kept. Not only did my family bring new MR units into life, but they managed to be the biggest idiots of all time and create an artificial intelligence for the original MR unit, just so they would feel safe if there was a revolt (they figured the MR-120 unit will keep his word).

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