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A/N: Anything in italic is the thoughts of whichever character's POV it is

'The planet finally landed in London where I, Ellison Capillo will be attending school until I graduate. I have finally gotten into the prestigious Kingston Academy boarding school. I got off the plane, Retrieve my luggage and looked around waiting for my host family, the Hollands.  I will be living with them until I graduate and get citizenship in England. My best friend, Harry was who I was going to live with. Our families have been friends for generations. Until my mom moved to Michigan with my dad. So my friends only see me every other Christmas. It's been 4 years since Harry has even seen me. Now I have to go live with his whole family.'

I was brought on my thoughts when a strong pair of arms wrapped around my waist. I look and see those waves "Tom!" I squealed turning around and hugging him tightly.

"Hello Ellie, how are you?" He asked with a smile letting me go.

"I was doing fine until you decided to scare my top off" I retorted letting him help me with my bags. Then I saw him, my friend and secret crush of +4 years. That brunette boy. Harry. He looked annoyed until his eyes landed on mine
A smile spread across his gave as he rushed up to me giving me a big hug.

"Hey there Harr" I mumbled into his neck as his arms wrapped around me. I could tell that he was tense.

'Damn he smells good'

"I missed you Ellie" he smiled letting me go to greet the rest of the family.

After all the hugs and greetings we all piled into Tom or Dominic's car. Making our way back to the Holland home. It was a few weeks before school so I was gonna be able to adjust before the stress of school. Harry and I went right back to how we left off. Teasing and joking. Just in general being the best friends they were.  Same with Sam. Him and I both teasing Harry and Tom.

We got to the boys house and it looked the exact same as I remember. Everything aside from the boys rooms was spotless thanks to Nikki.

"Welcome to your new home Miss Capillo" Sam joked opening the door very over top earing a scoff from Harry.

After everyone was inside and all my stuff had been brought in I asked "Where will I be sleeping?"

Nikki tried to suppress a smirk with her response "You and Harry since he has a pull out bed"

I froze. 'Harry? And me? Sharing a room? This was a dream come true and a nightmare all in one.' I was brought out of my thoughts when Harry spoke up in protest.

"What? Ellie I love you and all but why me?" Harry protested. His protests almost broke my heart in half but I just kept a straight face. I felt Sam pat my back and gave me a reassuring look before speaking up and saying:

"Mum, if Harry doesn't want to I'd gladly take to sharing a room with out beloved Ellie." Sam put his arm around my shoulder with a cheeky smile. I think I saw Harry glare at Sam but I brushed it over and gave Sam a friendly kiss on the cheek, replying to his comment with;

"Then its settled. I'll room with Sam!" I smiled. Harry looked at me with an almost gawking expression.

After that we moved all my stuff into Sam's Room, Harry helped but looked kind of sad. I'm not sure why,  Hes the one who protested against being my roomie. Once we finished we all agreed on pizza for dinner, Sam Tom and I getting a meat lovers. Paddy Harry Nikki and Dom getting a pepperoni.

Dinner was done and always kind of went off to do her own thing. Tom and Paddy playing outside, Nikki and Dom going on a walk, Harry and Sam talking in Harry's Room while I took a nap on sam's bed from jet lag.

Harry's POV ~ (During his protest)

'Ellie? Sleep in my room? I love her but, its Ellie!'

" What?  Ellie, I love you and all but me?"  I asked. I saw Sam Pat my girl, I-I mean Ellie's shoulder and volunteer to room with her. I looked at him glaring daggers. And to make matters worse she kissed his cheek! I looked away. I wasn't going to torture myself anymore

During the entire on packing I had a straight face here I didn't even see Ellie during dinner. After she went to bed from jet lag but I was determined to talk to Sam. I poked my head downstairs:

"Hey Sammy? Can we talk?"

"Yeah sure! What's up?" He replied smiling

I sat down next to him "I have to tell you something that you can't tell anyone...."

Sam's eyebrows furrowed in confusion "what is it Harry? You're scaring me"

" Um so I've been thinking since you said you were gonna room with Ellie, I think I..." my voice trailed off

"You think you what?" Sam questions further

"I-I think I love Ellie...."

'I love Ellie. She's my Rose'

My Rose 《Harry Holland Love Story》Where stories live. Discover now