Chapter 1

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Jungkook was at the alter, waiting to see his beautiful soon-to-be husband walk down to the alter.

Music started playing, and he immediately started adjusting his suit's cuffs out of nervousness about soon seeing Jimin walk down the isle.

Jungkook gulped, watching how the double doors opened to reveal Jimin in a white suit, smiling that gorgeous smile at him and only him, and he swore, if  that boy didn't get his cute butt to the alter, Jungkook would walk down to him and smash his lips against his lover's lips.

His heart beat was frantic as he watched Jimin walk down the isle so gracefully, smiling at Jungkook the whole time, eyes on him.

'God. How did I ever get so lucky?' Jungkook had mentally asked himself, while watching Jimin get closer and closer to the alter.

Jungkook's heart was about to explode, seeing Jimin in his utmost beautifullness, skin glowing in love.

Then suddenly, a small tear escaped Jungkook's eye, knowing that he was going to be able to see that beautiful face waking up from today on, through the rest of their lives.

Fidgeting slightly, Jimin was walking his way down the isle, smiling at Jungkook the whole time.

'Gosh. How did I find someone so amazing. I knew from junior year in college that I wanted to marry him. And here I am, about to marry the best man I've ever met, who loves me so much.'

Finally getting to the alter, Jimin stood facing Jungkook, his so very handsome soon-to-be husband.

After exchanging vows and I do's, they both kissed, signalling the start of the blooming life of love together.


"Kookie!! Smile for the camera! Your on, my very handsome husband!" Jimin said, directing the camera in Jungkook's face, who was currently eating cake.

Jungkook smiled, saying, "And you, sir, are my very gorgeous, beautiful, amazing, talented husband." Jungkook said to camera, pinpoiting as many things as he could about his new husband before Jimin would get so embarrassed he'd turn the camera off.

Jimin blushed while Jungkook said this to the camera, indirectly looking at Jimin.

Jimin had then switched the camera over to the half-eaten cake, about to ask how it was since he'd been too preoccupied filming their memories to even eat any cake, when suddenly he'd been pulled close from around his waist to Jungkook, already engulfed in a warm, loving kiss.

He decided to turn off the camera, and enjoy the party after their wedding.

"You know, you should enjoy this, eat as much cake as you want before we have to go back to investigating things." Jungkook said, staring warmly at Jimin who was currently enveloped in his arms, struggling to detach himself from Jungkook's gripping arms that keep pulling him closer.

"I know," Jimin sighed. "I just want to make memories with you before we go investigate more." He had given up on trying to nuzzle his way out of Jungkook's iron grip.

"Eat up. After this is done, I'm making love to you before we investigate anything. Plus, we have to look for our own house, so we're not just sitting at the apartment, struggling to pay ends-meet on the monthly rent." Jungkook responded to Jimin, watching him flush red under his words.

"Are we really going to look for our own house Kookie?" Jimin said, pouting his lips.

"Yes. Now stop pouting or I'll devour those pretty little lips of yours in front of everyone else. Show them you belong to me." Jungkook said nonchalantly in front of everyone, earning looks of shock and adoration.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2020 ⏰

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