Prolong character part 1: Back to school

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A alarm blared out playing music. A hand came out if the covers patting around before finding the alarm and turning it off. A female sit up yawning rubbing her eyes. She groggily got up from her warm bed swinging her legs over the side. She got up from sitting on her bed yawning.

 She walked over to her closet getting dressed into her normal attire. She went through her morning routine before walking over to her laptop booting it up.

The screen booted up revealing a group chat with several people chatting. She move the cursor down to the chat box typing in her reply. She move the curser again to clicked on the send button . it be seen by the others. The others in the chat replied with various messages along with some pictures of the place they were in showing the same people in each. These pictures showed them giving up peace sighs or fooling around with the others.

She stood up blocking the screen before exiting the room she was in with the signal of a door opening and closing. The last message of the group said 'happy class reunion guys! :3' from the username happy_sunshine.

"'s been a while since I see this place..can't believe it's only been five years.." A female figure spoke out to herself looking up at a large size 3 story building. Her voice sounded like honey smooth and rich with a high tone not too annoying to listen too. The female hold her phone taking a picture of herself and the school building in the background. She sent the lovely picture to the group chat she was in as she walked through the gates onto the school grounds.

The female felt nostalgia swell up inside her looking around her old school remembering the dumb things she and her group of friends did here. She smiled happily walking up the steps to the front double doors. She took a deep breath to calm her nerves before pushing the doors open, she enter the school building leading into the entrance way noticing the whiteboard with writing on it. She blink checking the writing 'class of 87 head to the gymnasium on the second floor.'

The female headed off walking to where she remembers the stairs were. Her footsteps echo around she noticed how quiet it was but shook it off. After a few minutes she had reached her destination. She was nervous taking in a deep breath, then entering the gymnasium ready to face her fellow classmates.

The female gave a huge smile before jogging over to the first person she saw giving them a hug. The person in question just let out a sigh before hugging back. The two hugged for a moment before letting go leaving a space in between them.

"Nag! It's been so long buddy. How you been?' The female asked the male smiling softly with friendliness in her green eyes

The male eye twitch before covering his mouth with his hand yawning. He reply to the female "Shut it Yu..Don't be too loud but I'm doing great. Though now that you are here we can get started." The male nickname Nag said before grabbing Yu's hand dragging her over to the rest who was chatting surrounding a table with food and drinks on it.

There were laughter and smiles echoing around as the teens chatter about what was happening in their life. Some friendly batter were happening as they drink and ate having fun times.

In a blink of a eye everyone was on the ground unconscious. The once lively group was now unresponsive to the world. Their plates and cups were spilled on the ground, bodies laying next to each other or alone.

Unknown to them by entering their old school they were cursing themselves to a evil game. A game that will change their lives.

An: ah please be gentle on me since this pretty much my first time posting on this site. ÚwÙ

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