Chapter 2

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Alex nods and starts heading towards the van. Alex once again feels as if eyes are on him. He stops walking and turns around only to lock eyes with a mysterious figure. He couldn't tell the gender but they were at least 5'7". The mysterious figure suddenly ran in the opposite direction. Alex ran after them, crossing the street yelling,

"FBI stop!"

But they just kept running until they jumped in a grey van that was parked under a street lamp and drove off. Alex tried to look at the license plate as he held his gun up shooting at it hoping that he would shoot a wheel. He then sighed as Alex noticed that there was no way he shot the tires but probably shot their window.

"Agent Fisher!?" Alex barely hears his boss yell for him.

Alex doesn't respond and just walks back as fast as he can so his team doesn't worry about him.

Once he gets back to where they were investigating his boss starts asking him questions,

"Agent Fisher are you okay? Where did you go? What happened?" He asked wanting information.

"Yeah I'm fine boss.. I thought someone was watching me and I ran after them- I mean her?.. and she jumped into a grey van and they drove off." Alex explained to his boss hoping that he wouldn't think Alex was making things up.

"We saw the van leave I just want to know what happened exactly with detail" His boss responds.

"I felt someone watching me from the moment I got here and I kept looking around me trying to figure out who was watching me then when you asked me to get the evidence bags I saw I think it was a female, she noticed me and took off running so I followed her then she jumped into a grey van and I started shooting at it." Alex says trying to remember anything other than the van color.

"Okay agent Fisher did you get the license plate, make and model of the van anything besides the color?" His boss asks him.

He stares at the ground trying to remember everything that happened, playing out the scene in his head. But he's unable to remember anything since it was dark and the only thing illuminating the area were street lights. He looks back up at him and says sadly,

"No sorry boss don't remember looking at the plates or anything. I just know it's a grey van."

"Try and remember anything you can about that van and get back to me on it. Until then go see if Doctor Malley needs help putting the body into the van." His boss says as he look towards were Jeremiah (the body) is.

"Sure thing boss." He responds with as he walks away towards Doctor Malley.

As Alex is walking towards Doctor Malley he tries to think of who that person was and what they wanted. He realizes that he's already right in front of Doctor Malley.

"Ello Agent Fisher! Wanna help me lift the body into the body bag?" He asks me politely.

"I was actually coming over here to ask you if you needed any help." Alex replies chuckling a little helping him lift the body slightly to place it in the body bag and zip it up. They then pick the body bag up and place it on the gurney.

"Thanks, Agent Fisher, I think I got it from here." Doctor Malley replies.

"Anytime Doctor Malley." He replies smiling at him.

As he's walking back towards my boss Alex feels his pocket vibrate and realize that it's his home cell buzzing. He can't answer it during an investigation so he leaves it be until he's done with the crime scene. Alex continues towards where Agent Hall and Wilkerson are talking.

"Hey so did you ever get those evidence bags?" Alex interrupts their conversation not caring if it was important or not.

They both stare at him for a while before Wilkerson responds with,

"Yeah, I did. Agent Hall got them for me."

Alex feels like he interrupted a very important conversation between them,

"I'm sorry... did I get in the middle of an important conversation?" He asked confused.

"Actually we were talking about the investigation." Agent Hall responds.

"Yeah, just waiting for you to be done helping Doctor Malley," Wilkerson says then starts to walk towards the cars with Agent Hall carrying the evidence bags behind them. They silently walk towards the cars they came in. Alex and Wilkerson hold the yellow police tape up so that Agent Hall can get under it without dropping the evidence bags. Alex notices that Wilkerson unlocks the trunk to the FBI's dark blue dodge so Agent Hall can place the evidence bags in the trunk,

"Thanks for carrying the evidence bags Agent Hall." Wilkerson thanks him.

"Your welcome boss." Agent Hall replies.

Alex continues walking towards his car and unlocks it, opening the driver's side door jumping in and buckling up. He then starts the car and turns on the heater. The only thing on his mind besides hoping his car will warm up fast is finding a Starbucks. A couple of minutes later he grabs his phone and GPS's the nearest Starbucks. He checks his mirrors for anyone then pulls out of the parking lot. Once he gets there he notices the long line in the drive thru. Alex decides to go inside and order his coffee. There's still a line inside but it's only two people. He takes his phone out of his pocket to text Agent Hall and Wilkerson,

"I'm getting coffee. Want anything?" He texts them both the same thing.

Alex checks his missed calls while waiting in line. He notices that his friend Alan called and texted me.

"Yo! My home boi! Wanna meet up later?." Alan texted him.

"Heck ya my man! Of course! Text me a time and place." He responds excitedly.

He exits out of the messages and goes to check his social media when a text from Agent Hall pops up on his screen saying,

"Wilkerson wants a Grande coffee nothing else. I'll have a venti white chocolate mocha." He responds just in time because Alex notices that it's his turn. He walks up to the barista,

"Hello! What can I get ya this morning?" The Barista says cheerily.

"Can I get a white chocolate mocha venti, an Americano Grande, and a Vanilla latte." He responds suddenly getting a wave of tiredness.

"Sure thing!" The barista responds. She repeats his order to him but he's so tired he tunes out the rest and grabbed some money from his wallet paying for the coffee.

"Thanks!" He tries to say cheerily and go to sit, waiting for the coffee to be done so he can go back to work.

As he's waiting his friend Alan texts again,

"Want to meet during your lunch break?" Alan asks him.

" Sure! I'll let you know the place later!" He responds.

Alex feels his phone buzz again but he hears the barista call his name. He grabs his drinks and starts walking towards his car. He starts his car and drives towards the bureau. 

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