The yawn sentence.

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Me and Thomas talk for a while. Dad's asleep and nana is asleep and grandad is asleep. Me and Thomas alone again sort of not really. Two more hours. "How about you sleep" Thomas offers.
"I what" he lifts the arm rest separating us "sleep" I lie back Alex lies on my stomach and I pull my knees up. My head is on his knees. "Now sleep" I close my eyes and I fall asleep.
About two hours later Thomas wakes me "landing time" he says and I sit up I put down the armrest and buckle up Alex. The plane begins it's descent. "Wanna take my hand" Thomas asks.
"Wait I need Alex's bottle" I say reaching down to find Alex's bottle. I start feeding her. She starts crying "hey it's okay baby" I say softly to her I look out the window and clench my fist. "Natalie honey calm down" nana says. I calm Alex and Thomas calms me until finally we land "Jeez you're pale" Thomas smiles at me and I hug him. "What's wrong?"
"I'm sorry" I whisper. I get my bag and finally we leave the plane. "Let me change Alex you get bags" dad says. So me Thomas and my grandparents walk to find baggage claim. "You sit down" Thomas tells me
"No I'm fine" I yawn (A/n did you yawn when I said yawn are you yawning now? This sentence is causing me to yawn a lot)
"Are you sure"
"Yes I'm sure" I say.
"Okay" I lean against him.
"Alex?" Nana asks trying to get my attention
"Do I look like a three month old"
"Sorry natalie"
"What's up"
"Will you be sharing a room with him"
"I don't approve"
"But where is he supposed to sleep then"
"On the couch"
"He's not sleeping on the couch" I argue.
"He's not sleeping with you" she argues back.
"He's not 'sleeping with me' he sleeping in the same bed as me sleeping like eyes closed dream land" I say
"Oh look bags" Thomas says awkwardly as the baggage carousel starts moving. "Yeah bags" I nod and dad appears
"You're letting your only daughter sleep in a bed with a boy" nana lectures him
"Only daughter?" He asks holding up Alex.
"It's Thomas I've known him since I was 12 we're best friends he was at my 13th birthday as my only friend remember the cake he's like a brother" I say
"I just got brother zoned" Thomas says.
"Shut up tommy" I smile at his stupidness.
" you two get our bags. You're both being- well actually you're both being kind of cute and funny but because my mothers here and she's annoyed at you I'm going to say you're being annoying" dad says suppressing a smile. So me and Thomas go to get our bags. I spot our bag and recognise my grandparents bag and he picks them up. I turn to look at nana grandad and dad. I stick my tongue out at dad. He tries not to laugh. I go over to them. "Okay it's like 25 degrees and I'm warm and there's a pool waitig for me." I say.
"Manners young lady"
"Sorry my lady" I curtsy.
"Let's go natalie" dad says. I take our suitcase and my grandad takes the other. We get a taxi to the apartments. It's like a mini housing estate really. We go up too many steps then were at the apartment. Dad opens the door. We go to the various rooms. The grandparents go into the first bedroom. Dad and Alex are across from them and at the end of the hall is mine and Thomas's room. "Double bed" I whisper.
"Yup" we both set our bags down on different sides of the bed. I'm against the wall.
"What's the plan kids" grandad asks.
"Pool followed by food and repeat that Cycle" I smile. I go to dad's room to get my swimming stuff out of his suitcase. I find Thomas's too and throw his swim shorts at him. "I'll change in the bathroom" I say before going into the bathroom and locking the door. I put on my plaid bikini top and matching bottoms then put on Hawaii flower print board shorts. "I'm going for a swim" I call to my family when Thomas joins me in the main kitchen/ living room area.
"Okay" nana calls. I go down the steps that lead to the pool. I stand on the edge then I take a deep breath and jump the water is cold I rise to the surface just as Thomas jumps into pool right beside me. I swim away from him. "Natalie Sawyer" he grabs my ankle. I turn to face him. And kick out he releases my ankle. I swim away and go under water. When I resurface I smile at Thomas and splash him "excuse me" nana says climbing down the ladder. Thomas stops splashing. "Sorry" he says before swimming away. "God are you trying to make him feel unwelcome" I say.
"He is unwelcome"
"No I'm not letting you talk about my best friend like that"
"Jesus Natalie he's just a boy"
"He is my best friend" I argue back.
"Best friends are temporary"
"Has dad heard you talk about Thomas like that"
"Well he will Thomas is like a son to him"
" and your mother was like a daughter to me"
"I'm going for a walk" I walk up to the apartment and put on a Tshirt. Thomas appears in the doorway. "Hey tommy" I smile at him
"I heard what you said"
"What who said?" Dad said appearing beside Thomas. I put on my vans.
"Umm your mother she said some things" I say and nana appears.
"That girl has no manners" nana yells at me.
"Okay fine no I don't, can I go for a walk"
"Bring Alex" dad says In a 'this could get messy so I don't want her to cry' sort of tone if such a tone exists.
"Is she sun protected?" I ask
"Okay" I take Alex and I leave the apartment. I walk down the steps. I hear Thomas following.
"It's going to be a long week" I mutter to him. "It's okay" he smiles at me
"I know" I say.
"Good" we walk for a bit until we're on the pier. "Ever just wanna jump" I whisper softly
"Yes" he nods his head slowly. Have I mentioned how we because friends. This is an interesting story. So we're were what 12? Yeah we were 12 and I sat beside him because of the sawyer/sangster thing and anyway we were in English just before lunch and when I was twelve I cut there's scars on my wrists. Anyway one day we were in English and I pushed up my sleeve and Thomas saw the scars he opened his mouth just as the bell rang and I shoved my books into my bag. "Wait natalie" he called after me
"Thomas" I turned to him
"You forgot your pencil case" he showed me the black pencil case "thanks" I half smiled
"Lunch?" He suggested and that was the start of a beautiful friendship. "What're you thinking" about Thomas asks me bringing me back to now on the pier
"About how we became friends"
"I don't know, I guess because I thought things were bad then and now look" I say.
"Natalie it's okay" he hugs me and I smile.
"Let's go back" I say pulling away from him. Alex is pulling my hair. "Hello Baby" I rock her ever so slightly as we walk back to the apartment. Dad's by the pool. "You two go for a swim I'll mind this one" grandad takes Alex from me. "Thanks" me and Thomas go down to the pool "nana?" I ask him "gone for a drink" he replies. And basically 5 days fly by and they're filled with arguments swimming and awkward meals at night(A/n sorry I didn't write a lot about lanzarote I just keep getting these ideas and I need to fit them in) it's Halloween now and the island is full of people dressed in slutty Halloween costumes I'm not. I'm wearing a dress thats white and longer in the back and then shorter at the front. The top is blue and strapless. "Hello natalie" my father smiles at me. "Hey dad" I sit beside him.
"I'm sorry about this not being what you expected"
"Don't be sorry dad"
"Come here" he opens his arms out and I hug him I put my head on his chest and he puts an arm around my shoulders.
Thomas POV (is this my first POV change?)
I go into the living room area in my clothes for dinner Natalie's grandparents are going somewhere else for dinner so it's just us four. I take a picture of Natalie and her father without them noticing. I have Alex in my arms. I decide to let them have their moment.
Natalie's POV
"We haven't had a moment like this in months" dad whispers into my hair.
"I know dad. But Alex is great she's fine and mum she's gone now it's all okay"
"Look at you being the responsible and well held together one"
"Yup I'm mature" I smile.
"Let's go" he says moving his arm from my shoulder.
"Okay" I stand up.
"Yo Thomas" dad calls down the hall. "Okay" he appears in the doorway with Alex. We go to a Chinese restaurant and get amazing food. "Crepe man for dessert?" I ask.
"Yay" dad and Thomas cheer. We pay "here you go" the nice lady pours me and Thomas non alcoholic apple drinks. Dad gets honey rum. "Wanna try some?" He offers me
"Yeah" I take a sip.
"Sure" Thomas takes a sip. When were finished we leave and go to the crepe stand just at the steps to the apartment. Dad orders the crepes and the man recognises me. "You're big now" he smiles at me the last time I was here I was 13 and mum was still with us and Thomas was a new edition to my life and Alex was non existent "yeah"
"Is she your baby?" He asks
"No she's my sister" he makes the crepes and when we've paid we go back up to the apartment. "The grandparents aren't back" I smile. Sitting on the couch.
"I'm gonna put Alex to bed" dad says.
"Okay night Alex" I kiss the baby before eating my crepe. Thomas smiles at me. "You were anorexic two years ago" he says softly
"I know. what was I thinking?food rocks!" I smile at him
"Indeed it does" he nods. Dad doesn't come back from putting Alex to bed and I hear him snoring. "Breakfast" I whisper looking at his crepe balanced among the many things on the coffee table. I curl my legs under my butt and turn to face Thomas. "Everything is gonna be okay with your mum" he says softly.
"I know" I smile
"I'm gonna go to bed" he stands up
"See you in a few" I look up at him.
"See you" he walks down the hall I sit up for a while until I'm asleep. I dream of mum and dad and me all a happy family until mum turns on us and kills me and dad. I wake up with a start when the the door slams shut "what're you doing a wake" nana asks. Dad runs into the living room with Thomas in tow. "What the fudge sticks is going on" dad half yells. He's no longer swearing when alex is around. "Wha-" I ask rubbing my head.
"It's 4am" Thomas sits beside me
"We got behind on times" grandad says stumbling on the words
"You're not making sense" I state sleepily.
"You're not making sense" nana argues back.
"You're both really drunk" I say
"Nat stay out of this" dad looks down at me.
"Sorry" I sit back.
"What were you thinking? it's 4am you're both drunk. Where were you? No I'll deal with you in the morning. everyone go to bed" dad shouts.
"okay" me and Thomas stand up and walk to bed. Nana and grandad stumble along behind us. Thomas falls asleep instantly. I fall asleep listening to his breathing.

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