Bambi's big secret

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AN: So let me start of by saying I'm sorry and please don't hate me! 


Bambi's POV:

                I was quiet the whole way back to my apartment. Every so often Alex would try to talk or comfort me by I just sat there. After all once he finds out the truth about me, he is going to leave me for sure. My fingers started to itch and run over the scars on my arms. I wanted to cut, maybe after he leaves me. After all no one wants someone that has been damaged.

                Once we pulled into the parking lot of my apartment complex I got out. Alex let out a whine of worry but I tried to not let it get to me. I opened the door to my apartment and went straight for my fridge. I pulled out a Monster and popped the tap before taking a long drink.  Alex went ahead and sat on my small love seat. I set my drink on the counter and went to sit next to him. Alex took my hands in one of his and used to other to lift up my head by placing a finger under my chin. I could feel a tear slide down my cheek as he forced me to look him in his worried green eyes.

                "Baby what's wrong," fear was breaking up Alex's voice. I whipped my nose on the sleeve of my jacket.

                                "Alex, do you remember when we first had sex? I told you I wasn't a virgin." I watched as he nodded his head, waiting for me to continue. "Well, back in freshman year me and Clayton had a secret relationship." I felt another tear roll down my cheek as I saw hurt flash through Alex's eyes. "He didn't want to let any of his friends know that he was gay. So no one knew, not even Angel. Well for almost the whole year we kept it a secret from everyone but I wouldn't have sex with him because it felt wrong that we were keeping it a secret." Alex just sat there as I poured out my broken heart.

                "Well one day Angel came up to me and told me that he knew I was seeing Clayton. Later that day when we were at his house I told him that Angel knew. He got really mad at me saying that I told him and that I didn't car for him at all. Well, I told him that I loved him and he got really mad and called me a fag." I started crying now. "He told me he was going to show me how much of a fag I was. H-He raped me Alex." That was the breaking point. I let the tears flow as Alex lifted me onto his lap and wrapped me in his arms.

                I could hear him trying to shush me and get me to calm down but I couldn't. I buried my face in his chest and cried for what felt like an hour. Once I calmed myself down I looked at him. Alex kissed my forehead and whipped away my tears.

                "Did you ever tell anyone?" I nodded.

                "I told angel the day after. He made me goto the police. At first they didn't believe me but after I went to the doctor and got proof they arrested Clayton. I didn't want everything made public so everyone thinks Clayton moved away until Junior year. That's when he came back and started making my life hell." I looked up at Alex, "That bear is one of the few people who know what happened. He's right Alex, I'm damaged."

                Alex grabbed me and brought me in for a kiss. He poured everything into it, making me feel how much love he had for me. I started crying a bit by the time he let me go.

                "Bambi, you are not damaged. You are strong. I'm glad that you trust me with your body like you do. I would never do anything to hurt you like that sick bastard did. I told you before, you are my mate and I want to be here for you through anything and everything. I love you Bambi," He whipped away the last of my tears and hugged me really tight.

                He didn't reject me, he really does love me.  I snuggled deeper into Alex's arms and smiled. Sadly, it wasn't long til my stomach growled. Alex looked down at me and we both laughed.

                "Come on baby, lets make something to eat." I got out of his lap and made my way back to my small kitchen.

                "You want soy meat?" Alex gave me a puzzling look but agreed to try it. I reached into my freezer and pulled out my veggie chicken nuggets. Alex laughed at me while I fixed them on a tray for the oven. "Will you go get something to drink from the corner store while I get other thinks to make for dinner?"

                "Yeah sure what do you want?" I tried handing him a ten but he refused.

                "Um a fountain Coke from Seven-Eleven please!" I screamed as he shut the door. That butt munch.

                I went ahead and got things out for a salad. For dessert I think some yogurt and fruit would be good. Alex came back when I had finished with the salad and was setting the table. He came in and sat at the other end of the table after he set my Coke down. He was grinning like a cat and I was worried.

                "Alex what did you do?" He produced a flyer out of his back pocket. I took it and scanned over it for a second. "Why did you give me a flyer about modeling?"

                "Because you're perfect and they would be stupid not to pick you. Plus I figured since your dad won't be paying for your things anymore, you're going to have to get a job baby." I smiled at his thoughts.

                "Yeah I know that but I was thinking about getting a regular job like at the store. Besides I don't have any experience doing this kind of thing Alex." He just smiled and shook his head.

                "No butts, I want you to at least try, please." He was giving me fake puppy eyes and how could I refuse him.

                "Fine I'll try but when I fail I'm going to be mad at you for making me waste time." I sat down a plate of food and then a bowl of salad in front of him. All through dinner Alex was making me laugh so hard about everything I could hardly eat. I spit soda out my nose once and that was gross. Once it came time for bed Alex had to leave so that he could get clothes from his house for the week. I made a joke about just letting him move in and he showed up with a box of clothes and a few necessary items.

                I took a shower while Alex watched tv and found myself loving the fact that my apartment wasn't so lonely anymore. Maybe if I get this job and can pay off my bills, Alex really could move in with me. After my shower Alex got in and I made the bed. I went and made some hot coco while I waited.

                Once he was out I gave him a cup and we cuddled in the kitchen while drinking our coco. Yep this was something I could get use to.


EN: So this chapter is shorter and I'm sorry but nothing much happenes in the next one. I got past my writer's block and should be updating more often. 

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