1) Pineapple

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 Well hi there! So, um... I'm in a block. ...Yes. So, I am doing what one of my deer friends from Wattpad told me to do. That is to write about something completely different. 'Like a pineapple.'


Note: This... Won't... Be... Good. 

1) Pineapple.

“Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?” The television began the song of a certain Michael Bluesberry's favorite cartoon.

“Spongebob Squarepants!” Michael sang along with the television.

But then suddenly the music stopped. The colors on the Television was gone and so was the lights in the room. It was dark.

“Mummy?” he asked to the darkness. “MUMMY?!”

No response.

He felt his eyes get heavier, like it did every time before he began to cry. And soon enough, he was crying. The warm drops of salty water, sliding down from his chubby cheeks to his chin, tickling as it does, and finally dropping to his shirt.

Finally there was a response. Not a speech maybe, but a sound.

Footsteps! Michael gasped, Mummy?

The footsteps got closer, and closer.

No, this isn't mummy!

A dark figure appeared at the distance. It was too tall to be Michael's mummy. This was a man. A thin man. He had long legs and long arms. It was too dark to see his face but it was clear that he had a smooth head. He stopped walking now and was just looking at Michael.

“W... Who are you?” Michael asked, his voice shaking “Where is mummy?”

No response.

Michael kept watching the man in the dark. “My name is Michael, what is your name?”

No response.

Michael closed and rubbed his eyes, was he having a nightmare?

He hated nightmares.

Once he had a nightmare that his father came back to take Michael.

“It's time for you to come with me!” his father said in the nightmare, then grabbed Michael by the arm.

Then his mummy came to protect him, “No you don't!”

But his father wouldn't listen, with one hand he started to choke his mummy.

“NO MUMMY!” Michael yelled, punching his father. “You can't be here! You are dead! YOU ARE DEAD! YOU ARE DEAD!”

Then his mummy fell to the ground, lifeless.

“MUMMY!!” that's when Michael woke up, his mother next to his bed.

“You are safe...” his mother said. “It was just a nightmare. Next time just close your eyes and count to three. When you open them, you will be awake.”

Count to three... 1... 2... 3!

He opened his eyes, but the man was still there. This time closer.

He could see his skin now, it was whiter than any other person. It was like the skin of people in old pictures from when the world only had two colors.

His face was visible now.. But he had no eyes, no nose, no mouth.


AN: Well, there you go... SLENDERMAN! XD ...I was really bored... But I think this helped me! :'D

Thanks Em! This really helped me!

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this... ...Thing.

Tell me what word I should do next. XD

Love you all!

Iamfromwinterfell, out!

Don't-Know-What-To-Call-This-Thing ...From Winterfell!Where stories live. Discover now