Beef Wellington

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I was sitting on my couch playing Lionel Richie's top saddest songs on repeat.My roommate was out with her boyfriend.I was acting like a melancholy teenager til the phone rang.
"Hello?"I said with such confusion because it was a private number.
"Hi is this Charlie Grey?"asked the man
"Yes it is.Who wants to know?How did you get my number?"I asked nervously
"Well,I'm part of a broadcasting agency we'd like a fresh young face to fill in as a stunt double.Charlie we've seen your commercials and they were wonderful!So would you like to partake in the offer?"asked the man.
"Wow!Stunt double huh??I mumbled
"Charlie this deal could be a life changer.We are willing to pay you about $1000?"

"What!!!!!!????"I shouted
Charles you could use this money to buy yourself a plane ticket to go see Hugh.(I thought to myself)
"Ummm Ms Grey...You there?"
The man asked.
"You got yourself a stunt double sir.
Well this deal was out of my comfort zone.But it's all I had and I wouldn't give it up for the world to see Hugh♡
Sooooo months passed and the movie took time to make but we got the job done.
I'd earn a bit over $1000 and that was enough for my trip to London.That night I packed all the cutest clothes I owned.

12hrs later...
I booked a 4star hotel that day and tried to search for Hugh.
I could really remember his surname or any other information about him.I was so darn tired,my eyes and I weren't unison with one another so I just fell asleep with my phone on my abdonmen and a half drunk can coke on the left bedside.I woke up that morning with a bit of hope that I'll find Hugh.

I decided to go to a nearby KFC just beacause I didn't trust hotel food.
"Thank you,maam.You're order will be really in 7 minutes."The lady mentioned with a sweet welcoming tone. So I just sat there playing with the mustard and ketchup bottles pretending they were soldiers set to kill one another.I know I'm still a nerd.
"Hello?Charlie is that you?"a  familiar voice muttered.
I looked up to see...
"Hugh!!"I screeched as I locked eyes with him.
I just jumped in his arms.He was so much bigger and much more handsome than before.We had our own moment there at KFC.Reminds me how my mom got married to my dad.

There weren't many people there but the few that were  present there just stared at us with their oily lips and a mouth stuffed with chicken.Hugging him brought so many memories.He smelled like all the nice things you could ever imagine.
I'd finally detach myself from him.He looked me in the eye and let out a cute giggle."How have you been Charles?"he asked in his cute English tone.

"I've been managing,how about you what you doing now?"I asked
"Oh just managing?and to answer your question well I'm standing here with you at a KFC resturant."he said and laughed.
I laughed with him as well.
"So..."I was about to utter something but the lady interrupted me.
"Miss!miss!you're order is ready."the KFC lady protested.
I quickly grabbed my order and tipped her.

"Come Charles, I'd like for you to enjoy that chicken somewhere else."he offered
With no hesitation,I followed him and got into his car.He took me to Hyde Park.Let me just say it was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen and just imagine westlife's song 'I wanna grow old with you' that's how the experience was.
Hugh picked the most beautiful lavenders just for me.We settled under a beautiful sweet chesnut tree.

Hugh placed his gentle hands on my cheek and leaned in for a kiss but that kiss wasn't fulfilled because some girl that was running past with her dogs had to stop and say hi.She ruined the moment and she looked like she was into him.The girl looked like a teen with a crush on a grown man,she had honey blonde hair in a messy bun, glossy pink lips and really beautiful hazel coloured eyes.I was a tad bit jealous mann if I were Hugh I'd totally go for her.

"So who was she?"I asked in envy
"She's my cousin's friend.She just finished her third year of high school."he said
I just looked at him and nodded my head.
The food for cold only because we'd totally forgotten about it.We spent hours talking about what had been going on these past 3 years.
Hugh said he'd only been single all these years waiting on one girl... (I wonder who that was?)

The sun started to set."Hey Charlie would you like to join for dinner at my parents house?"Hugh asked
"Well hmmm...Sure!"I said
So another 30 minute drive back and Hugh lived in such a beautiful home.His mom was so kind. A woman about 4feet,a buzz cut and quite plump with no tattoos.
"Hello my son,whoose this pretty girl?Is she joining us for dinner?"she asked with a very high pitched tone.
"Mum,this is Charlie my ahhhh ummm friend."he said.
She pumled with a very warm hug and she welcomed me in her beautiful home.As I saw his dad sitting on the couch watching The Fresh Prince,sitting next to him was a little kid about 7 or so.

"Oh Charlie this is my pops and my little cousin Drew."he said
"This is Charlie huh? Hello my dear we've heard so much about you.Hugh's dad said giving me a firm handshake.
Drew just looked at me and went back to watching tv.
"Guys!Dinner is ready!"the mom shouted.
I sat opposite Hugh and beside me was little Drew.
Hugh and I just kept looking at each other from across the table and non-stop smiling the entire time.My appetite just perished because Hugh's presence just consumed it all.

"Eat that beef Wellington you crazy kids"the dad said jokingly.

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