*breathes heavily*

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Frank smiled devishly and bit his lip in earnest, holding his boyfriend's glasses out in front of him. The frames were kinda thick, but it suited Gerard perfectly. Finding out he was near sighted when he couldn't even read the set list taped to the stage at a concert they'd attended (where they got front row seats), he wasted no time in making an eye appointment. Frank wasn't against it or for it at first, but once he saw Gerard wearing those glasses, looking even more like a stupid dork with that stupid blush on his face, he wanted to do nothing more but kiss him so hard until the object made dents in on his nose and cheeks. Of course, the first thing that came to Frank's mind when Gerard told him he was near sighted was, "So, does this mean you can barely see my dick?" To which Gerard sharply smacked him upside the head.

While Gerard was making a sandwich for them both in his kitchen, Frank took it upon himself to just tease him and have a little fun. He slipped them on and giggled, gasping shortly after when everything before him became nothing but a blurred blob. "Jesus...what the hell?" He spread his arms out and slowly walked towards the door. Being so disoriented made him stumble a few times, but that just made this even more fun. I never knew he was so blind, Frank snorts aloud.

Slight shuffling against the tile finally reaches his ears and he smiles widely, coming to a stop at the kitchen's entrance.

"Oh God. I'm so so so terribly near sighted. How ever will I see?" Frank sighed dramatically, lifting the frames up an inch to look at Gerard properly- who was not amused.

"Take them off." He muttered, his mouth doing that weird thing. Gerard knows Frank likes to play around - it's something he's very fond of because he knows he won't be stuck with some guy who constantly has a stick up his ass - but he just got these glasses and he kinda really needs them.

"Why?!" Frank whined, not moving a muscle. "I just wanna wear them for like, a few more minutes. I've never had to wear glasses. I can't see for shit with them on but it's fun."

"Take them off." Gerard repeated more sternly, running his fingers through his orange hair before making a move towards Frank. Frank squeaked and took them off so he could see where he was going - running into the corner of a wall would not be helpful at the moment.


"I just wanna wear them!"

"No! They're not for you!"

Gerard chased him into his bedroom, where Frank had stupidly hunched himself over on the bed as a shield for the glasses. Gerard's stomach lurched. "Frank, seriously, don't break them."

"Aw, shut up. I'm not gonna break these ugly things...if you let me wear them without attacking me." Frank turned his head and raised a perfectly arched eyebrow, smirking. Gerard glared at him and crossed his arms. Sitting up properly, Frank made a warning face as if to say move and this fucker gets it, and put them back on, sighing.

"How do I look?"

Gerard walked forward and shook his head, letting out a small breath. He couldn't deny that Frank looked extremely adorable, almost like a little kid with that huge grin on his face. "You look cute. Like a little Black haired pixie...almost?" He tilted his head. "Ha ha. Funny. I think I'll ruin my eyes and wear these forever." Frank chuckled before getting off the bed. "No. Give me my glasses. Frank, come on! It hasn't even been a day!"

"You don't even need these," Frank muttered, taking them off. "It's not like you care whether you can see a penny on the sidewalk or something. It's a waste."

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