Meet the family

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Michael POV

Laura is meeting my whole family and I was so nervous which never happens my mother approves but she wanted everyone to approve Laura isn't nervous at all well here we go

Laura POV

I am meeting Michael whole family today his mother approves but I have to get it from everyone which I'm ok with he already met my family and they absolutely loved him he was a sweetheart and a gentleman

They walked inside to be greeted by his whole family and they absolutely loved her they approved the relationship and Michael was so happy about it they loved her

Laura: you feel better now

Michael: yes

Laura: of course

Michael: well I'm glad they love you

Laura: I know I told you they would

Michael: I know I was just nervous

Laura: I understand and tonight meet me on top of the Hollywood sign have a surprise for you

Michael: Ahh ok see you tonight

She gave him a kiss on the cheek and left Michael was happy that his family approves the relationship and he wonder what the surprise was he will find out tonight

7:30pm(Central time)

Laura POV

I am out the Hollywood sign waiting on Michael that's when I seen him

Michael POV

I made it on op of the Hollywood and seen Laura ahh she looks so beautiful

Michael: I'm here

Laura: I know

She covered his eyes and they came to a stop

Laura: ok open your eyes

He opened his eyes and it was a beautiful picnic she sat up for them

They sat down ate some good food had a good conversation and spoke about their relationship it was wonderful but she had another surprise for him as well

Laura: Come close to me

He came close to her and they stared at the stars in the sky

Laura: beautiful isn't it

Michael: yes it is

Laura: lets make a wish but we can't say it out loud

Michael: ok

They both closed their eyes and made a wish and they were done

Laura: There's one more thing I want to do

Michael: ok

She leaned into him and kissed him this was their first kiss as a couple

Laura: I love you Michael

Michael heart was exploding as she said that he felt the love and said it back

Michael: I love you too

It was one of the best surprises for Michael and it was very special and meant a lot ....They hugged each other as they stared at the fireworks ....Laura was 5'4 and Michael was 5'11

Their day/Night was made for the both of them they had their first kiss and said I love you for the first time it was very special for the both of them

They got in the car and went home

Laura pulled up to his house and they sat in the car until Michael got out

Laura: well goodnight

Michael: Goodnight see you tomorrow

Laura: I love you too

Michael: I love you too goodnight

She kissed him and he got out of the car into the house...then Laura went home

Laura made it home from an amazing Night with Michael everything was perfect and beautiful as well

Michael was going to remember this forever it was truly special to him and a memorable moment of course

He took his shower etc and then he went to bed his heart was beating so fast from everything that just happened her lips were so soft

Laura heart was doing the same as well she kissed Michael for the first time he had very soft lips as well

Laureate turned her light off and went to sleep with Michael on her mind ....he was so cute in her head specially with that smile

It has been a good two hours since they both been asleep and that's when everyone woke up expect Michael he was to tired to wake up to see what was going on... after that he family went back to sleep

Laura just came back from the bathroom and got back in bed her lights in the house were turned off so she knew where her bed was at ...she fell back to sleep

The whole Jackson Family went back to sleep as well Michael 25th birthday was coming up soon

Laura knew that Michael birthday was coming up and thought about what to give him even though his family doesn't celebrate birthdays or Christmas she still wanted to do something for him and she couldn't wait for celebrate it with him

Next Morning

Laura POV

I woke up and saw that it was 10:30 damn I didn't do my morning walk or run oh well guess I was tired that's when I heard a knock on the door I already knew who it was anyway

She removed herself from the bed and went to go answer the door it was of course Michael

Michael POV

I came over to ask Laura if she wanted to go have breakfast with me today

Laura: Sure just let me go shower and freshen up

Michael: ok go ahead I'll wait

She let him in and she went to go shower ....once she was done she came downstairs and they were off to get breakfast together and talked about last night

Laura was still proud of Michael on winning as always like he do every year which was truly a blessing feeling to watch and him saying his speech it was really beautiful

They had breakfast etc it was a really fun day for the both of them they went into the photo booth and took pictures it came out nicely

Michael took her everywhere and it meant a lot they went inside the photobooth

They both enjoy their time together as a couple and it was wonderful

After a long day Michael came back to her house they ate dinner and went to bed After a wonderful day of having fun

Next chapter is coming

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