Hello there!

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Welcome to you all who came here! :) I know that not everyone likes poetry (well, I'm not even sure if I can name that way my work), so I understand not everyone will like it.

But where are my manners? I didn't even introduce myself. So, if you're a person who haven't read my other works yet – I'm Marf and I'm glad you're here :)

None of my poems are really alike. I wanted to say: 'cuz each one has its own unique style', but well... I simply can't write in the same vein all the time. Maybe for better, because you won't be bored at the beginning (at least I hope so) and you'll see something new.

Anyway, all poems here are written by me (if that changes, I'll let you know).

In the beginning, I want you to know that I write them in my own tempo and it's not as easy as it looks. So, there is one simple rule: when I write them, I'll post them.

Oh! You probably want to know why 'Afterimage', right? If not, I'll tell you anyway. My afterimages aren't connected or inspired anyhow by watching the movie made by Andrzej Wajda, because I simply haven't seen it yet. I've really liked the word 'afterimage' ever since I saw it for the first time in a poem written by Julian Przyboś 'Widzenie katedry w Chartres' ('Vision of Chartres Cathedral'). For me it's a reflected light – something that stays inside us when we observe the world around us. The way we look at it. And here it will be whatever stays in you after reading my poems – a thought, a reflection or maybe a smile? :)

And that's all from me for now :) Can't wait to hear your opinion about my poetry. Welcome to 'Afterimage'... Welcome to my world!

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