Chapter 14

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Hayden walked the halls of the girls' dorms. 116. Astrid's dorm room number. He paused before he put his hand up to knock.

"What do you think you're doing?" a familiar female voice came from down the hall.

Hayden turned to see Mala walking towards him, arms folded across her chest, "What does it look like, I'm knocking."

"Watch it prince charming," Mala spat, stopping in front of Hayden.

"Is there something I can help you with, Mala?" Hayden asked, annoyed.

"I know your kind. I've heard the rumors," Mala glared at Hayden.

"Excuse me?" Hayden asked, surprised. What was she going on about?

"You're the First Son of the U.S. You think I haven't heard about you. You've been with more girls than there are in this dorm hall," she continued.

"Is there something you're trying to tell me?" Hayden asked. He was done with everyone being so conspicuous with him at this school.

"You and Ast have gotten pretty close. I'm okay with that. You're the first new friend she's had in a while," Mala's stance relaxed. "But if you ever an I mean ever even think about treating her like one your girls from D.C.-"

"I'm gonna stop you right there blondie. You don't even know what you're talking about," Hayden put a finger up to shush Mala. He knocked on the door and a few seconds later, Astrid appeared.

"Hey Hiccup!" she said. Mala walked away.

Hayden smirked as he watched her walk back down the hall. Then it hit him


"What did you just call me?" Hayden asked whisper-yelling. It was all he could do to keep from bursting.

"Hiccup. Heather and Damon said that's one of your nicknames," she said happily.

Hayden shook his head, "Can I come in?"

Astrid opened the door so Hayden could enter her room. She had asked him there to help her with something. What that 'something' was, she did not specify.

"So what did you need help with?" Hayden asked, looking around the room. Posters were laid out on the table as well as a pack of markers.

Astrid bounded over to the table and picked up a marker, "I just wanted your company while I worked. I didn't think you'd come if I didn't ask you to help me with something."

Hayden mentally facepalmed. Was he that distant from her that she couldn't ask him to just hang out?

"You can ask me to keep you company anytime you like Astrid," Hayden said in a tone he'd never heard from himself before. What was that voice he used?

Astrid looked up from the poser she was working on and smiled. She didn't seem to notice. Hayden walked over to and took the seat next to Astrid. That was when he noticed what she was working on.

"Why are you working on club recruiting posters?" he asked. "Isn't that – what's his name?"


"Yes. Isn't that Teagan's job?"

Astrid let out a small laugh, "He's working on the other half of the posters with Raegan."

"Raegan?" Hayden didn't recognize the name.

"Teagan and Raegan are twins. He's the publicity director and she's our historian," Astrid answered. She made another stroke with the marker.

"Ok that makes sense, but why are you working on these posters?" Hayden asked, resting his head on his hands.

"Everyone in the SC agrees that I have really pretty handwriting, so I usually work on posters. Goof handwriting comes in handy when you're the secretary as well," Astrid giggled again.

"What about everyone else in the SC. I don't know anything about them," Hayden was mildly interested in some of the members. For instance, Mala. She had some sort of grudge towards him, the reason unknown to him.

"What do you wanna know?" Astrid asked, picking another color from the box of markers.

"Start with whatever you'd like," he said, his gaze deepening as he watched her work.

"Well, I think you and Finley would get along the best. He's sort of a nerd and he's so kind to everyone and everything. I think you'd like him. He's the treasurer," Astrid began, brushing the marker against the paper.

"Are you calling me a nerd?" Hayden teased.

Astrid's face changed drastically from happy to worry, "That's not what I meant! It's just you seem really into astronomy and Fin's really into-" she said quickly.

"I'm teasing," Hayden said quickly.

Astrid's expression relaxed, "Sorry, the last thing I want to do is offend you."

"Astrid, just relax. I can talk hits, especially from you," Hayden said, grinning. Astrid smiled back.

"Mala's the president and she's really overprotective of me. I think that's part of the reason why she's so wary of you. She's really sweet when she breaks her walls down though. I think you'll like her when you two get to know each other," Astrid drew little doodles around the words on the poster before setting it aside and placing a clean poster board in front of her.

"Teagan and Raegan are the troublemakers. They take their jokes too far sometimes and it becomes frustrating to clean up their messes. We keep them around though. They were some of my biggest supporters when I was younger. They mean well, but they have funny ways of showing it," Astrid looked at the paper with the list of clubs on it. "Hey, astronomy club! You should join!"

"Na, clubs aren't my thing. People usually put up with me for too long," Hayden said, leaning back in his chair.

"I've put up with you for a while," Astrid said cheerfully.

Hayden giggled before he spoke, "What about you? Ever thought about thought maybe joining the gymnastics team here?"

Astrid's smile faded slightly, "No, weak lungs, remember?"

'She doesn't like to talk about it.'

"Right," Hayden said quietly.

"He told you, didn't he? About my accident?" Astrid's voice deepened as she looked away.

"He did," Hayden said, reaching for her hand. He grabbed it and squeezed it slightly in reassurance. "It doesn't change how I view you, Astrid."

Astrid turned to face Hayden again, a smiling growing and her beautiful face.

"Let's see," Astrid rubbed her chin with her thumb and index finger. "Scotty, he sure is something. He's the sergeant at arms and he thinks all that. He seems like a jerk but that's not the real Scotty. He's got a tough exterior but he's a teddy bear on the inside. He is always trying to prove his worth to his father. I think that's why he is the way he is. You learn to love him."

"And you know Asher obviously. He's protective too. He's always there for me and he's a sweetheart when it comes to animals, especially dogs. He used to be a cry baby but now he puts up a strong front. He's the vice president and he keeps Mala in check. She can be a bit of a handful at times. He's a good leader and he's compassionate. I think he blames himself for my accident sometimes. Actually a lot of the time. I wish he didn't," Astrid smile faltered at the end. "I'm such a burden to him. To everyone."

Hayden smiled, "He cares deeply about you Astrid, don't forget that. And you're not a burden."

A small smile grew on Astrid's face before it was replaced by a small frown. She sighed, debating whether she wanted to speak or not.

She had made up her mind.

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