Kanarya Lady

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Hero Name: Kanarya Lady

Civillian Name: Chen Moka

1.Sonic Rescue: The hair ornament has a tracking chip along with an intelligent system that monitors Moka's nervous system activities. If she gets injured or unconscious an SOS message will be sent to one of her sisters or teamate or some other device as such to computers or transponders. communication belonging to a Pro Hero within a 2 mile radius;

2.Kanarya wings: Like in her sister's costume this accessory is a communicator;

3.Melodic Crystal: The crystal is a microphone that picks up even the smallest sounds and is connected to any outfit and can connect to any device via bluetooth or satellite or wifi;

4.Ultrasonic Cloak: The dress has a sound-sensitive fiber and can easily distinguish each sound from the lowest to the highest frequency and also has soundproofing effect;

5.Ultrasonic Key: The small buttons on the "Sonic Armor" socks and gloves are locks to store the accumulated sound and are only unlocked as an emergency support system when Moka is or has already reached the limit of the "Vocal Cannon" quirk;

6.Sonic Armor: Gloves and socks have a "storage system" that stores Moka's "Vocal Cannon" "Vocal Frame" and when impacted against a surface it releases in the form of large ultrasonic explosions and is capable of storing each up to five "ammunition";

7.Ultrasonic Music: Bracelets and anklets are high powered speakers that can keep the sound dispersed or concentrate it in one direction;

8.Sonic Plasma Wings: Although they look like only winged back designs, they are plasma power generators that can be converted into plasma wings and become more powerful when Moka is singing;

9.Sonic Flower: The belt is made of a special material capable of retracting, stretching and hardening making it a multifunctional equipment that can be used as a weapon or some other utility;

10.Canary Healing: In total there are three small bags that contain all the equipment and supplies needed for first aid;

11.Hermes Wings: On the inner sides near the heels there is the same wing design on the back with the same function as the "Sonic Plasma Wings" and are a minor variation and the plasma can be shaped into different shapes: boards, wheels from roller skates or ice skating blades, spike soles to slippery or steep soils.

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