Tough Love!

305 14 7

Things to note:
Y/N = Your name
Y/l/n= your last name
Y/f/n=your friends name
*= someone thinking to themselves


"Ughh I hate potions class" I grumble as I look over at Y/F/N. "I can't believe we have to write another essay for this stupid class."

"Come on y/n it won't be that bad I'll help you the best I can even if I am just as bad at essays as you" y/f/n giggled as she said this to you.

*Maybe we can get Hermione to help I think to myself. (She has been your friend since first year even though your in slytherin she saw the good in you.)*

You slammed your potions book shut as the bell rang ending your fifth year potion class. As you were leaving the classroom you were shoved to the side falling to the ground making your books slide across the floor. I looked over to see the asshole that pushed me only to see the most charming slytherin of all *and by charming I mean rat* Draco Malfoy.

"What the hell Malfoy" you shout

"Well well well look who we have here little y/l/n the most pathetic slytherin of all time." Malfoy said as he laughed

I quickly grabbed my books from the floor and ran away with tears flowing down my cheeks.

*I can't believe I've had a crush on that filthy rat for so long. Malfoy is nothing but a manipulative asshole why can I not get him out of my mind.*

As I ran through the halls I heard a voice shout out to me.

"Hey y/n wait up"

I turned and saw Harry running to catch up with me.

(You and harry have been friends since second year once Hermione introduced you. You guys seemed to hit it off right away and became friends very quickly.)

"Oh hey Harry, what's up" you said as you wiped tears off your face.

"Hey I saw you run- wait what's wrong why are you crying???" Harry asked sounding concerned

"Um nothing really I'm fine don't worry about me." You say choking back tears

"Come on y/n I've known you for a long time and can tell when something's really bothering you, you never cry like this unless something really hurt your feelings" Harry said pulling you into a hug

"He's at it again" you say while crying into Harry's shoulder

"Who is y/n" Harry asked

"That filthy rat Malfoy shoved me again and told be I was the most pathetic slytherin ever"

"Y/n you know anything that poisonous snake says is a lie all he does is hurt people to make himself feel better, you need to ignore him like Hermione, Ron and I try to do. Besides being kind and friendly to others doesn't make you a pathetic slytherin it make you a good person, slytherin is your house name it doesn't define who you really are."

I let go of Harry ending the hug, I looked up at him smiling.

"Thanks Harry you always know what to say to make me feel better"

You look at him one last time greatfully before turning around and making your way to the slytherin common room.

-time skip-

Later that day you were sitting in the great hall eating small bits of your dinner but because of earlier events you found yourself having no appetite. As you sat there you shifted uncomfortably in your seat because you had a strange feeling that someone was watching you. As you turned you head to look around you saw none other then the king rat himself Malfoy starring at you but not his usually I'm going to hurt you stare he looked more concerned.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2020 ⏰

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