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He awoke, covered in a cold sweat. The nightmares kept him tossing and turning. Last night's selection had been of his friend Charity. They had wonderful conversations, his demeanor didn't put her off, and she was easily the most accepting person he knew. Sometimes he wished they could have been more, perhaps taken her out for dinner. And something in him said that she wanted that too. Which made it all the worse when she called to him to save her from death. But now all he could see was her still body, her pleas for help lingering in the air.

She died thinking he betrayed her. That guilt would never leave. He sat up slowly, rubbing his temples. Life seemed so large. Looming in front of him, endless choices. Paralyzing.

Make the next small decision, he told himself.

Take a shower.

He allowed the hot water to ease him awake, the herbal scent of his shampoo grounding him into the moment. Time to pull himself together for the day. He had several potions to brew and was officially open for business.

He began to brew after his simple breakfast of jam on toast. It was all his stomach could handle after the night of twisted dreams and memories. The bell began to ring, signifying a customer.

The morning went quickly, his supply walking out the door with various witches and wizards. A sense of pride filled him, and not the vain sense. Not hollow pride. This was purposeful. He had a purpose that could help him now. A purpose that he could feel good about. A life that was his own.

He sat counting the drawer at the end of the day when the bell gave its signature tinny clang.


Her golden brown curls hung wild past her shoulders, bouncing on their own accord. They almost swallowed up her pretty face which was just as beautiful as he remembered. Today she wore a mint green dress, scooped neck line with a tightly wrapped wire choker and black tights covered her smooth legs.

She kicked off her shoes as soon as she entered his door.

"Do you have a vendetta against shoes?" he asked sarcastically, locking away the money.

"I do. I hate them. With every fiber of my soul. I like to feel the ground beneath my feet" she smiled, taking a turn about the store, reading the names on the bottles

What a visceral being. Every aspect of her seemed raw.

"You confuse me" he tossed out, normally unwilling to divulge such embarrassing information

"Why is that?" she asked curiously, hopping up onto the small counter beside him, her dress edging up her thighs

The urge to touch her knee overwhelmed him, but he had to hold back. Her skin was a perfect sight to behold though...

"You are just so...free" he couldn't place a better word that didn't sound insane and inappropriate

He had only known her for twenty four hours. Why did it feel like longer? Like she had seen a part of him that he kept hidden away.

"And you are so bound" she responded succinctly, but without judgment

He was bound. To what anymore, he didn't know. Tightly held in by his clothes, his routine, the structure that kept the fears at bay. The ever present fear. But he kept moving in spite of it. He had to.

"I am bound to keep from flying apart" he told her sharply, staring at the wire that clung around her neck

Brown eyes the color of golden amber stared at him. They were impossibly bright. Softened, but not in sympathy. Waiting, for him to continue. Trying to understand.

Severus and the Green Witch Where stories live. Discover now