Part 1

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I looked at the big brown building in front of me with mixed excitement and fear.

Okay, to be truthful, it was 99% fear with about 0.1% excitement and some other percentage of feeling I didn't really know how to describe. I know, I'm not the greatest at math, but I made it through two years of high school and I did just fine, so I would say I'm decent.

After spending the next five minutes debating in my head if I was late or not, I decided to walk into the big brown building that was the Chesterfield High School, the place where I would be spending the majority of the next two years in.

Thankfully, the main office wasn't too hard to spot. I walked in a bit cautiously, not knowing what to expect. Everyone seemed so quiet and peaceful that I felt awkward interrupting, but before I could turn around and walk out, the woman at the front called me over with a strong Southern drawl, "Hey darlin' what can I help ya with?"

I knew I had moved to Georgia, but I didn't quite expect everyone here to have such a stereotypical Southern accent. Taken aback, I replied, "I'm a new student here, my name is Nia. I was wondering where I could get my schedule?"

I could hear her smile as she spoke, "I'm Ms. Daniels, but everyone 'round here calls me Nora. I have your schedule right here. Let me walk you to your first class!" she offered. She looked at me with an expectant smile and I realized she was waiting for me to confirm.

I so badly wanted to decline because I most definitely did not want to be the new kid and be shown around school by a teacher. But I couldn't resist her smile, so I accepted, "Sure, lead the way."

We walked out of the office right as the bell rang. Perfect, I thought, now everyone can see me embarrass myself as I walk with a teacher. In an effort to minimize my embarrassment, I ducked my head down and followed Nora. This proved to my first mistake as I immediately collided into something, something hard. Before I even looked up, words started spewing out of my mouth like Cady's word vomit in Mean Girls, "I am so sorry, I wasn't looking, totally my fault, ple-"

I was interrupted by a deep voice and don't say I'm overdramatic but that had to be the best sounding voice I have ever heard in my life.

"Don't worry about it," I heard as I looked up to see what kind of face matched the honey-like words I was hearing.

And I was right. My teenage girl hormones went into overdrive as I took in this guy's sharp jawline, his golden-brown eyes, his blond streaked hair. Perfection, I tell you. This was it. I knew I would always die of embarrassment, but I considered myself lucky as I died of embarrassment looking at the most attractive guy I had ever laid my eyes on.

"Are you ok?" the voice asked quizzically as he cocked his head to the side, his perfect eyebrows furrowing in a look of confusion and genuine worry.

I shook my head slightly and quickly tried to recover, "Yeah, completely, totally, really fine!"

"Sure, clumsy," he chuckled. As he sauntered past me, he nodded towards Nora like they were old friends, and she responded with one of her smiles.

"Don't worry honey, he has that effect on everyone," she said in my direction, and then continued to show me around like nothing had happened.

"Okay, this is your first class, AP Biology! I'll leave you to it!" Nora exclaimed, as she promptly turned on her heel and left. She was an interesting woman, I had decided. Interesting, in a good way.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2020 ⏰

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