the return

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     Gregor slowly open his eyes open to see a golden sun peeking through his curtains. It was a beautiful summer morning. Gregor turned over to see his phone and grabbed it. He checked the time and it was 8:00 am. 
        oh no I'm going to be late In better get going. At that I jump up from my bed and I go start for my closet.  I find what I want.  I have to wear hoodies and sweat pants because of all the scars, from all the battled I've been in the underland.
      The scars are as whites as pearls compared to my dark tan skin. Once I get dressed I run down the stairs of my apartment. I still live in the apartment I lived in when I was 12 years old, but now my mom, dad, and grandma are dead. I take care of boots who is now 13 years old. Lizzie is soon gonna move out because she is 17 going on 18. 

            I have to work almost all day and then I come home and make dinner and say good night to boots and Liz. Then I start the over again. I started making waffles and pancakes for them. 

"Liz, Boots, breakfast!" I heard them running down the stair case.  Once they finished their food they tell me that they are going to California for the rest of the summer. I said okay and gave them a hug. Once they left I decided to that I was gong to go to the underland today. 

        I headed towards my room to get my backpack and sword. I was so excited that my toes got tingly just from thinking about it!
       Once I finally got all my stuff, I ran down the stairs and grab my phone to call some take out for everyone in the underland to try. On the way out I grab my car keys, food, and flashlights. Then I run outside and lock the door behind me and mentally say goodbye to my house.
         I run as fast as I can to get the parking lot and jump onto my car and speed off towards the park. You see in the park is where one of the entrances to the underland. Once I get there I get out put my ear plugs on and run to the entrance and look around. Looks like no ones here today weird by great cause that means that I can leave without anyone knowing. I start to slowly push the rock it's really stuck. I finally got it and.......

Hey guys I left it on a cliffhanger. I hope it makes the story interesting. I was also hoping to see if you guys would be interested in a story called "Luxa the Underlander"

Updated March 20th 2020

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