Chapter one

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"Ma'am you have the right to be silent" the officer said as he held my moms arms behind her back trying to put her in the car
"No I've done nothing wrong!" She yelled back
"You've done plenty wrong now please duck your head" he said as he placed his hand on top of her head finally getting her inside
"Wait wait" she said "let me say goodbye to my daughter" she pleaded and her eyes have been pouring tears ever since the policeman came to take her away
He sighed and nodded his head "but you cannot exit this vehicle" he said closing the door an then telling his partner to scroll down the window
My mother nodded understandingly
"Alright sweetie I'm so sorry about it having to end this way" she started sobbing
"It's okay mom I'll wait for you , I'll be right outside that jail waiting for you" I said and tears came to me they spilled out as if I had an endless supply of them
She sobbed and gave me a sad smile"no sweetie , you can't ..... you're moving to California with your Aunt" after she finished she said "there's money thy I saved up its in my music box upstairs there's about $6,000 buy yourself whatever you need and go with your aunt call we and tell her everything she will understand"
I sobbed and nodded "but what about daddy?" I asked
"He's the cause to all of this , sweetie he framed me but I will get justice" she said angrily
"How?" I asked referring to why it's his fault
"I left a note on the fridge it's says everything you want to know" she gave me a fake smile trying to show she was strong for me
"Okay" I nodded
"Ma'am I'm sorry we have to leave" the officer said and he had tears in his eyes
"I love you ma" I said crying
"I love you too sweetie"
The officer scrolled the window back up and my mom pressed her forehead against it I put my hand on the window and the car slowly left my fingertips
I fell onto the sidewalk and cried I just gave up on life for a while 2 hours
I then walked inside the house got the money and the note I made myself look presentable and went to buy new clothes
"Maggie?" I heard someone say
I turned around and saw my ex
"I heard what happened and I'm so sorry about it, I lost my parents on Saturday" he said and his voice was filled with pain
He hugged me and I felt his tears on my shoulder
I didn't have any tears left I couldn't cry I just hugged back "I'm okay Jake"
"You sure?" He said pulling away and wiped a tear away quickly
"Yea" I whispered "I'm sorry about your parents I wish I could've been there for you" I said giving him a sad smile
"It's alright, I'm not the important one I've seen what this has done to people, losing a parent or both i mean" he explained
"And what exactly is that" I asked feeling a little accused or threatened , idk I'm going through a hard time and right now I have my defenses up the defenses I've been building for the past 5 hours and trust me they are stronger than a brick wall
"It kills them from the inside hardening their once soft and gentle heart, I just don't want you to change you personality because of this , just like nothing good last , all bad has an end"
He said smiling a little and placed his hands on my shoulders
I nodded "I won't become that person Jake I promise now if you let me continue my day I'll be happy to get out of your life by tomorrow" I said a bit ruder than I intended
"Oh" was all he was able to say before I walked away
I drove back home and gathered my stuff I bought my ticket already for tomorrow and I'm not planning on calling my aunt I'm going to live on my own not because I'm taking advantage of being able to be "free" but because I want to start fresh and I don't want people giving me pity
And trust me where my mom was sending me I was going to get shitloads of pity
"To a fresh start" I said as I finished packing everything
I also knew dads passcode for his safe and he didn't have enough time to get his money so I used it to get me an apartment
He had at leat about $500,000,000 in there I know this because there was a note stuck to the money saying $500,000,000 so yea
"Nothing good lasts but all bad has an end"
"Now I know never to trust anyone ever again" I said placing an owl necklace around my neck
I played with the owl as I remembered when my dad gave it to me I was just turning 14 and I really wanted something that I can value not because it's worth a lot but because someone I care for a lot gave it to me
Now it's just a symbol that reminds me never to trust someone again
my phone went off about 500 times before I fell asleep so I decided that I was going to activate my new phone now
iPhone 5s (gold) what don't judge im sure you would've gotten yourself a decent phone if you found your dad vault
I shut down the other phone and the ringing stopped finally!
"Mags, hey just hang in there please don't let the world make you as hard as a rock, stay sweet" a dirty blonde haired boy said I always dreamed about him his beautiful brown eyes his bright smile able to brighten a whole city
"But you won't understand , I'm practically dead" I said almost soundin like a cry for help , probably was
"No your not , just stay with me I'll be here for you" he smiled and I felt myself smiling
"Okay" I said
"Stay brave honest and unselfish...and we will soon meet" a girl who looked exactly like me said as she walked towards me
"What's your name?" I asked
"Denise" she smiled
"What about y-" I cut my self off because I was no longer with them I was at the beach with the waves at my ankles
It's so beautiful ... everything is I was blinded by the sun an I "woke up" instantly to find myself in my own burning house

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