Chapter Two

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I've always been a lonely goddess, sworn by internal maiden hood means I can't have a spouse. I realized that I don't want this anymore, people of all kinds look up to me as a noble goddess, but truthfully I also want love...My duties pound and break me everyday I can't stand it. Zeus, my father thinks it's best for me, but it's my life. I'm considering breaking the internal maiden hood bond, but as the goddess of knowledge and war this is my cross to bare. I've always wanted to be held in the arms of my lover as we watch the dew drip off the autumn leaves, listen to the owls tenderly, and be consumed by his love. I selfishly want that.

As I was on my stead I started to gallop towards the meeting, I saw multiple gods talking to one another tentatively as they watched Zeus stroll around. Everyone could feel the tension, something was wrong. I slid off of my pegasus and started to make my way there. I saw the regular, Aphrodite charming the royal guards and servants just for free food, Dionysius chugging a drink -probably his 20th one today-, Artemis and Apollo arguing who's the better twin, and Ares staring at Aphrodite.

When people started to notice me they payed no attention to me, they casually glanced, but looked away. Artemis recently told me that I looked grumpy all the damn time so I guess their intimidated by that. I'm truly not a morning person, meetings are terrible, but I put on my best facade. A lot of people tell me I'm beautiful, I was blessed by the Styx River, but I didn't feel beautiful. I realized that my emotions are overcoming me again and stroll past everyone, giving them brief nods.

My father hadn't noticed me when I walked in so I called out to him, "Father, it's me Athena." He suddenly turned around not expecting someone to interrupt his thoughts, he greeted me back with a slight nod. Weird. He usually greets me with at least a smile, something must truly be bothering him today.

I was guessing I arrived earlier so I just sat and summoned my best owl, he was my best companion. He doesn't bother me, but still looks out for me. Even though he's just an owl doesn't mean he can fuck you up. As I watched the clock, gradually more gods and goddesses flooded in. Zeus stood up and began the meeting, Ares was a tad bit late and strolled over to his seat next to mine. Zeus started why he summoned us at this time, "Gods and Goddesses, I have summoned you for the sole purpose to talk about the human race. We have come to see that-"


A voice called out to me, so I turned to see Ares. I gave him a look and turned back.

"Hey, this meetings boring as hell."

I was starting to get annoyed so I retorted, "Well go over to Aphrodite and ask for a damn BJ since you can't contain yourself." (At this point of the book Ares and Aphrodite were found guilty of an affair.) He looked like he was going to say something again, but someone interrupted us.

"Athena I asked you something, care to speak?" Zeus called out to me without me realizing.

—————[January 3rd, 2020.]—————
Hello, Author here. It's been awhile, I love the idea of this book. But leave any suggestions on how to improve or what you don't like, CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM IS TOLERATED, DESTRUCTIVE ISN'T. If you started with NO OFFENSE it's more than likely not constructive. Keep that in mind! Love y'all🥺💗

Word count: 624 (First few chapters are short!)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2020 ⏰

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