Short story sorry:

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Erzsebet was a typical girl, nothing unusual about her. She was fairly popular with guys but that was about all their was towards her, and by popular with guys i mean very popular she practically had boys lining up for her number, but she didn't fall in love often, and she didn't like many men. She had eventually fallen for someone however but the relationship didn't work out well. After about 7 years of being married and 10 years of dating the two had gotten bored of each other. There wasn't a huge fight or even really a huge problem they were just bored of each other and seemed to have no way of changing things up,so they split. Even though what happened was fairly typical and not really a huge deal Erzsebet was still very upset. Even though it had been weeks after the divorce she just couldn't quite seem to get over him. So she called her childhood best friend who would always make her feel better, Gilbert Beilshmit. She hasn't talked to him in years so it surprised her when he answered the phone and surprised her even more when he said he was willing to meet up with her. She quickly got ready making herself look slightly presentable and quickly went to the local park where they agreed to meet.

She got there before him since her apartment was right across from the park so she just had to walk across the street. After a few minutes of waiting Gilbert eventually showed up. "Hello, it's nice to see you again." she said. "It's nice to see you too, what's going on? Why did you need to see me so bad?" he said. "Well me and.. Roderich got a divorce and i can't seem to get over him somehow." she said. Gilbert felt a little shocked by the news. He was a tad bit happy he now had a chance with her but at the same time he was unhappy for her since she did really love him. "I'm so sorry, that must be really tough, i mean no one really saw it coming you looked so happy together." He said. "I saw it coming. For the past few months he was acting weird around me and no matter what I tried to say or do i couldn't fix things" she said. "It's okay it's not your fault even if you saw it coming there was nothing you could do, and hey it's better than having it come up at random." He said. "I suppose that is true, it would be worse if I weren't slightly prepared for it." She said laughing a little bit. "See that's it, and just think it could be worse you could still be together and he could still be acting weird around you, but just not telling you anything, and hey at least you still got me." Gilbert said slightly blushing. Erzsebet smiled and laughed some more. "That's true very true, it could always be worse." She said. "Here's a tip no matter what happens in life find something to be happy about. There will always be something to be glad about." He said. "Yeah I suppose you're right but sometimes it's hard to see anything good." She replied. "That's what makes it challenging which is what makes it work." He said

Time at the part was really short, it seemed to fly by. The two got ice cream that evening after eating dinner together. "Hey Erzsebet today has been a really good day, I know it started out terrible but it ended really well and, I must say I like you, I like you a lot, i would like you to be my girlfriend, I know your just getting over a breakup but i feel like i like you and i just want to come right out and say it." Gilbert said. "Yeah I like you too, and honestly i think a new relationship is what I really need, I feel like I'm ready and i think it will be good for both of us." Erzsebet said smiling and blushing a little bit.

Thyre relationship kicked off slowly from there, they took it slowly but were sure to make it last as long as possible. Of course like most relationships it didn't work out however it was great for both of them while it lasted.

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