𝐒𝐩𝐚 𝐃𝐚𝐲

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This morning when you woke up you noticed something was off about Diego. He would have these days where he would get really depressed. He would over think things, blame himself for things, and just question his whole entire life. When you woke up next to him in bed he was already awake. He had on a black hoodie with the hood on his head. He starred blankly at the wall in front of him.

"Good morning!" You said to him.

When you talked you snapped him out of his depressed state for a split second. He said hi to you then went back to looking at the wall. On days like these there really wasn't much you could do. All you could try to do was make him happy. So you got out of bed a showered. After you showered you threw on some stretch pants and a sweatshirt. You sat on the bed next to Diego and hugged him. He hugged you back still not talking. You knew he hated when this happened, he wanted to return back to his normal self but he just couldn't.

Diego's hand reached out to hold yours. You took his hand but then noticed something. His nails were covered in dry blood and were sharp. "Diego your nails are a mess."

"Oh, yeah. S-sorry, I haven't really cleaned them or anything. I-I'll do it tomorrow."

The more you thought about it you couldn't even remember the last time Diego took care of himself. He always showered a cleaned his open wounds but that was really it. He never sat down and got taken care of. "You sit here, I'm going to grab a few things ok?"

Before he could respond you ran to your shared bathroom. You found some things to do his nails with, hair products, bandages, and a few other things. You brought them all out into his room and put everything on the desk. Diego just watch you. You began to get things all set up. "Y/N w-what are you doing?"

"Spa day," you said quickly. "Choose one, nails or hair."

He shrugged, "Nails I guess."

You pulled a chair next to the bed so Diego wouldn't have to move. You grabbed a wet cloth and wiped the dry blood off his hands. Next you grabbed the clippers and trimmed his nails, along with filing them. Dee stayed quite during the process. "Now," you said. "Time for the fun part."

"What's the fun part?"

You grinned, "What color do you want?" There was over fifteen colors in your hand ranging anywhere from pink to black. "I don't know Y/N usually Klaus paints his nails not me."

"Come on Dee! It will just be for a little bit then you can take it off."

He hesitated before responding.
"B-b-black p-pl-please."

You knew he was going to choose black. "Hold still I don't want to mess up." To no surprise he stayed perfectly still. If he was his usually self his leg would have been bouncing but he was too tired for that. "Just wait for them to dry, don't touch anything."

The two of you just sat down waiting for his nails to dry for about fifteen minutes. He smiled slightly at the sight of his nails, it might not have been a huge smile but it was an improvement.

"What if we did your hair?"

His eyes widened out of fear and curiosity. He was never one to really change his hair.
"What would y-you do to it?"

"What if I made it look how you were a kid?"

"N-n-no I d-don't t-th-think we should do that."

Grace had shown you the pictures of when he was younger. His hair was combed to one side of his head and looked like it was covered in hair gel. Just picturing it made you laugh.

"Diego please! For me? I promise the second I'm done and take a few pictures you can put it back to normal!"


"Thank you!"

You put more hair gel then necessary on your hands. It would be a bit harder to do because his hair is a lot shorter now. After the hair gel you got a comb and pushed all of his hair one way. He made a face of dread while you were doing it, he wasn't looking forward to the outcome.

After it was finished you took a step back from your masterpiece. You tried not to laugh but god was it hard. He looked like a lot more grown up version of his thirteen year old self. You couldn't take it any longer and began to laugh.

The was a bit of concern in his eyes as he got out of bed and went over to the mirror. He just looked at himself with no expression not knowing what to say.

"Do you like it?" You asked sarcastically.

"I- it's......it's......... it's s-something."

Then you saw it a actually smile on his face. You didn't know how long the smile would last but you felt happy. He laughed a tiny bit at the sight of himself. Once the two of you finished laughing and taking pictures of him with his new look, you though it would be a good time to put him out of his misery/spa day.

"If you want you can take that all off now."

His smile went away, and he stood there. "C-ca-can I l-leave it on?
It f-f-felt g-good to get this all done."

"Of course you can leave it on."

From then on out whenever Diego would get depressed out of no where, that day would become spa day.

𝐃𝐢𝐞𝐠𝐨 𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐬 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 Where stories live. Discover now