The First Meet

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Keefe's POV
I woke up to the sound of a blaring alarm. "Rise and shine", Mr.Forkle called, his grumpy voice woven with threads of happiness. As per the plan, today was the day I first met Foster, for her anyway. It's been so long, and she won't remember me... I miss you my blonde princess. I'm 22 and Foster's 20 but on both of our fake birth certificates, we're 18, so that the mission goes smoothly.

 I'm so excited to see her but a voice in my head keeps going, it's been so long, it's been so long, she doesn't know you, she won't like you much less love you again. 

She won't.

She won't 

She won't.

That's right, Foster finally got the hints Ro was dropping, well not exactly.(AN: You guys will find out what happened in a flashback later on in the story) Now we have to start all over again, but I don't care, I'll wait as long as it takes.
"You can fantasize later, get up or you're going to be late for school, Keefe.", Mr.Forkle snapped, bringing me out of my thoughts.
" 'Kay, be there in a minute.", I shout back. Pulling on a short-sleeved, indigo T-shirt and some ripped jeans, I head downstairs to be met with a buttery explosion.
"What. is. that."I ask eagerly.
"Now eat."
I shut up and sit down on one of the bar stools near the kitchen island, and start eating the pacnakes or pacakes or whatever. They are so delicious! And the syrupy thing you pour on is so good! I think it's called mackerel syrup. So good.

"It's time to go Keefe, remember do not try to remind Ms.Foster of elves. It will only disturb her and remove her trust in you. And please, don't call her Foster when you first see her, unless she was introduced to you. Now come." Mr.Forkle led me to a car, and we sat inside. He just started the car and it zoomed off in the direction of the school.

"Correct me if I'm wrong ,but don't you have to drive a car? With your chubby hands?"

"Actually Mr. Sencen, I have never figured out why human risk their lives in these things, so I had Dex and Tinker program this to drive on its own. And I never want to drive again."

"Why", I asked and the rest of the way he told me the story of his first time driving.

When we finally reached the university, I sucked in a breath and stepped into the building. I looked around for Fos- I mean Sophie, but I can't find her in this crowd of people. Then I remembered that we're in the same classes so I'd see her anyways. I rushed to my first class, and just as I was about to walk in, a girl coming out bumped into me. She almost fell, but I swooped her into my arms and caught myself at the same time. I rushed to mumble some excuses, but was interrupted by a melodious voice.

"What the hell are you doing to my friend?!" 

I froze and looked up slowly, and there stood Sophie with a bunch of girls behind her. She was beautiful, these years have done miracles to her. She was taller with her slim body, but it was nothing close to how it looked before. Mesmerizing curves covered her, and she was dressed beautifully. She had on a maroon halter style top with ripped jeans and black combat boots. Light makeup dusted her features, which had stayed the same, other than the fact that her lips were so deliciously plumper than before. A bit of gold brown eyeshadow and a smudge of red lipstick paired with some bold eyeliner made her look like a rebel goddess.

" Sophie, don't worry. He actually saved me! I wasn't paying attention and rammed into him, but her caught me. You have to stop presuming intentions." The girl I caught said.

"I'm sorry! I'm really protective of my friends, so I assumed the wrong thing. Thanks for helping her. I'm Sophie Foster!" She hurriedly said to me.

       I broke free from my daze and said, "The name's Keefe, Keefe Sencen. Nice to meet you Foster, and no problem, I save people all the time."

"Do you know anyone here? Wanna hang with us?"

"I came from a city from far away, so no. And, I know I'm devilishly handsome so I don't blame you for wanting a piece of this." I said gesturing to myself. Sophie burst into giggles and so did her friends.

"I'm serious."I repeated with a pout on my face. They just started laughing harder. Soon it was time to choose seats though and I ended up ...
To be continued...

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