64. Waiting

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Jasper had declined Thistle's request to come and stand guard with her on the front gate. He had pointed out that they needed a magic-worker at the back of the Palace, too, and that he could cover the entire eastern approach from his treehouse. As a consequence, he had seen the large flock of elders and initiates arrive in the orchard, and had watched as they assembled beneath the overgrown apple trees. His spirit-sight told him who they were; not Nautilus's renegade witches, but real Fena from the Garden.

But why, he thought, are they here? Jasper was quite sure that Fena had not left the Garden in such numbers for many years, perhaps even decades.

Strong wings sliced the night air. Jasper ducked just in time to permit a Gyrfalcon to slice through the doorway and land inside the treehouse.

"Hey," Drift whispered. "Can you go get a bucket of water from the well?"

Jasper smiled. "Don't tell me your friends are thirsty. Have they run out of water at the Garden?"

"This is serious," Drift said. "And crush these berries up and put them in the water. When you're done, give the bucket to Summer to hand out, then go and help guard the front gate. Oh, and Jasper? Don't drink any yourself, okay?"

"I know what these are. What are you up to?"

"Sorry, no time to explain."

"Well, then," Jasper said. "I'll hurry." He gave her hand a squeeze, shifted into a black hawk, and swooped off into the night.

Drift sighed and sat down. "I hope this works," she said to herself.

Summer swooped into the treehouse and shifted. "I thought I'd find you here," she said. "Everyone's arrived by now. What next?"

"Jasper's getting water. Everyone should have a drink. Just one sip, no more. Spread the word. It's very important to get the dose correct."

"Dose?" Summer said. "Should I be worried?"

"You should be very worried, Grandma. I'm pretty sure the sorcerers are about to launch a major attack."

"I mean about you," Summer persisted.

"I asked you if you trusted me," Drift said. "And you said yes. The Queen doesn't trust me, you know."

"She doesn't know you as well as I do," Summer replied.

"So, you do trust me?"

"Of course!" Summer said, giving Drift a quick hug. "And you don't have to repeat your instructions. I'll make sure everyone has a sip." She shifted again and flapped out the treehouse door.

Drift sat thinking for a few moments, then got up and changed form again. This time she took longer, and when she was done, her Gyrfalcon was dark in color. She did not want anyone to see her in flight.

Swooping out of the treehouse, she was pleased to see Summer and Jasper down below. They were walking through the crowd offering the bucket of water to all the Fena elders and initiates. Drift did not need to see more. Rising into the night air, she flapped up and over the Palace, then circled on stiff wings above the river. Her sharp falcon eyesight picked out movement along a row of old huts. She made a second loop. Yes, she thought, the cards had been right. She just hoped she had timed everything properly. If not, things would go poorly for her side. Very poorly.

She swung back, soaring down and landing just behind the front gate.

"Drift!" Nighthawk exclaimed. "Don't sneak up on me like that! You scared—"

Sarabande: River of Falcons Book 4Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora