Do it all again

9 0 3

I wanted to be sad

I wanted to hurt

I wanted my heart to be ripped out and shattered

The pieces spilling all over the cold tile floor

Then I wanted to cry

To cry for what I've lost and what they've lost and what we've all lost

Then I wanted to take my old dustpan and sweep up the pieces of my heart

Some pieces missing and some pieces replaced by dirt and grime and some pieces broken beyond repair

Then I wanted to shove that mess that could be called a heart back into my chest

And do it. All. Again.


lol, I shared this with a friend and she was all, "wow, that's good" but little does she know this was written based on how I felt reading klance angst...

I'm laughing my fucking tits off

good day everyone!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2021 ⏰

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