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with trembling hands the table was set, the lights dim enough to cover his tear pricked cheeks.

"thank you darling, you can go clean yourself up now," jimins mother smiles, passing the dining room.

he silently thanks her. his feet take him up the stairs with out a second thought, he needed a break.

a break from what? he never knew. the non stop anxiety that flows through his veins and messes with his stomach? maybe. the constant fear he feels? potentially.

it was at times like this he misses his dad the most.

jimin, feeling uncomfortable in his wrinkled skirt, changes into soft purple plaid trousers. he feels safer in this.

lightly, he places himself on his bed. eyes fluttering softly. with out thinking, he slips. straight to sleep.



it was an usual awakening. soft, comforting and warm. yoongis thin arms wrapped around jimins waist, head resting in the crook of yoongis neck.

as surprised as he was, he did not react. only snuggle in further, tightening his grip. he could and undoubtedly would get used to this. yoongi was home.

how could he leave home? the thought alone sent prickles to his fluttering eyes.

yoongi did not know jimin was awake, he stared at the wall ahead of him. mind full with thoughts of the boy in his tight grip. yoongi could feel the small tremor jimins figure held. a kiss to the forehead.

yoongi will always be there with jimin.

nothing, nothing will change that.


small updates for all books ig.

black sawn is rly good, gotta love it.


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