chapter 002

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Wheein stared at her ceiling aimlessly. Correction; she stared at her new ceiling aimlessly.

Great emphasis on new.

Her sister was currently downstairs exploring the new condo (which honestly seemed more like a penthouse) and also pestering the movers. This new place was maybe a little too big for the both of them; or she was probably just used to living in small apartments with only one bathroom and little to no room for a couch.

Nonetheless, she was thankful for the new place that Mr. Bang provided. She wasn't supposed to be just any makeup artist anyway; but it might have been too excessive to give her a two story condo with three bedrooms and three bathrooms when there was only Wheein and her younger sister, Nari.

She would've been grateful for just a slightly larger one bedroom, one bathroom apartment—especially since all her expenses were being paid for her.

"Seriously, these windows are so big. How much natural light do I need?" She squinted from the ray of sun that slightly peeked out from the thin curtains.

She didn't bring much furniture with her cause in the first place, she didn't have much furniture. That in itself was sort of like a blessing in disguise since the condo came fully furnished.

She sat up from her bed as soon as she heard a knock on her door.

"We finished moving everything, thank you for the cookies by the way!" The mover peeked his head in with a smile as he raised a chocolate chip cookie up into the air.

"Ah— thank you! Have a nice day!" The female smiled a little confused. Nari probably baked cookies this entire time to give to the workers, she slightly smiled before groggily standing up from the bed and stretching.

She opened the door and was welcomed with a warm, comforting smell of cookies and the sight of a fully decorated hallway filled with refreshing colors and contemporary designs.

"Nari! Did you save some for me?" She yelled, peering over the railing to project her voice downstairs.

"Yeah! I'm about to take them out of the oven!" She heard her younger sister reply faintly from the lower level. Wheein's protective instincts suddenly kicked in and she bolted down the stairs and towards the kitchen.

"Are you using an oven mitt? Are you facing the oven from the side so the heat won't go onto your face? How hot is the oven?" Wheein asked out of breath. Her sister laughed and shook her head disapprovingly.

"I'm not five anymore, you know that, right Unnie?" Nari said as she carefully took the hot tray of cookies out of the oven and placed it on a cooling rack. Wheein only blushed and nodded her head embarrassed.

"This place is really cool! Your new job is really cool! Do I get to meet BTS?" Nari's eyes sparkled with hope.

"Well, I wouldn't think so. Sorry, bud. I just work for them, it's not like I'm gonna be close friends with them," Wheein paused before suddenly remembering something, "speaking of friends, the girls are coming over today, kind of like a house warming gathering."

Though slightly disappointed at first, Nari's expression immediately brightened up as soon as she heard her older's sisters friends were coming over.

"Really? I can't wait to show Hyejin-Unnie the new cookie recipe I learned, oh and I want to show Byul-Unnie and Yongsun-Unnie my new room! And—" Nari began to run out of breath by just ranting about how much she missed them.

"Yes yes, you can do all of that when they get here. We'll watch a movie too, Hyejin said she wanted to bring a horror movie just so she could watch Yongsun-Unnie get scared." Wheein was also grateful that she had her best friends here to help her out. They happily became unofficial older sisters to her younger sister and she was so thankful that they voluntarily helped her out on a daily basis.

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