2 - Hospital Arrivals

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"We have two girls, both unconscious, needing surgery stat." One doctor says, rushing Richelle and Jacquie through the hospital doors.
"Check for ID's." Another says.
A student nurse checks their pockets, searching for the ID's.
"Richelle Nolet and Jacquie Ratzlaff, both 18." She says.

Noah stands in his kitchen, pouring juice for him and Amanda.
"Hey babe." He hears Amanda call from the other room.
"Yeah?" He asks.
"You need to come in here now." She yells, in a state of panic.
Noah walks in with the two drinks asking what was wrong.
Amanda points to the TV. "I-isn't that..."
Noah drops both of the drinks and the glass shatters at his feet. "Richelle's car."
Amanda turns the volume on the TV up.
"Around 40 minutes ago there was a fatal accident on Mulberry drive involving a father and a son who collided with two girls who have yet to be identified. The father and son were not severely injured in the crash but the unidentified girls were quickly rushed to hospital shortly after the accident. The man, who wishes not to be shown on TV, refused to say anything on the accident. His son, however, has said they were driving when all of a sudden the other car drifted onto their side of the road, not giving his dad enough time to stop." The news reporter states. "We have yet to know anything else on the accident but will update you further when we get more information."
Amanda stands up and takes Noah's shaking hands. "They'll be okay Noah. They're fighters. And plus... we don't even know if it's them."
"It's Richelle's license plate Amanda! And we all saw Jacquie get into that car with her. It's them. Who else could it be!?" Noah shouts, angrily, taking Amanda by surprise.
Amanda looks at him with tears in her eyes.
"I-I'm sorry Amanda." He says, hugging her. "I'm just a bit... shook up."
"I am too Noah. Those girls are my friends too. Obviously I'm not as close to them as you are but..." Amanda sighs. "Listen... how about you sit down, I'll clean up this glass and I'll make you a coffee or something?"
"N-no." Noah shales his head. "We need to get to the hospital. I have to know if they're okay, or if it even is them."
Amanda nods. "I'll drive. I'm not letting you do it."
Noah weakly smiles, as she takes him to the car.
Noah can't keep still the whole way to the hospital, he needed to know they were okay.
Once they arrive Noah runs through the doors and straight to reception.
"The car accident. Richelle Nolet and Jacquie Ratzlaff? Is it them?" He asks.
"Are you immediate family?" The receptionist asks.
"N-no. I'm their best friend." He says.
"I'm sorry, I can't tell you anything unless you're family." The receptionist tells him.
Noah slams his hand onto the desk. "I want to know if my best friends are okay!" He yells.
"Sir please calm down." The woman says.
"Listen. I'm sorry okay but if my two best friends are hurt I want to know." He says, on the verge of tears.
"What's your name." She asks.
"Noah. Noah Erlick." He says.
"Okay Mr Erlick, we simply can't say anything until family arrives. Please understand." The woman replies.
"No actually I don't understand if your best friends were injured, possibly on the verge of death wouldn't you want to know?" He says, leaning in closer, intimidating the receptionist.
She looks down. "Sir... please."
Just then, Amanda runs in, looking for Noah. She puts a hand on his shoulder. "C'mon Noah. Calm down. Don't make a scene or you'll get kicked out."
Noah lets out a sigh and rubs his eyes.
As he goes to say something the doctor comes out of the doors that lead to the surgery rooms.
The receptionist looks at the doctor and mouths "This is their best friend."
The doctor looks at him in sympathy before looking back at the receptionist and shaking his head.
"What's that supposed to mean!?" Noah shouts, agitated.
The receptionist looks at Noah.
"Mr Erlick... I think you'd better sit down. We have some bad news."

Note: I am not a doctor or nurse so most details will be inaccurate as to what doctors/nurses say when prepping someone for surgery.

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