chapter 1

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steve rogers walked through the avengers tower, having just finished another press meeting about a recent announcement that he had made: captain america came out as bisexual. after years of fighting with himself and coming to terms with his sexuality, steve finally felt like he was ready to be the truest version of himself. he knew how the times have changed, everyone being more accepting and welcoming and all, but steve still felt uneasy just at the thought of coming out. before the ice, people were beat up on the street simply for holding hands with people of the same sex. after coming back, it was a culture shock for the blonde. the apparent fear on his face when he saw two men kissing on the street could have been regarded as comical, but tony was more than willing to catch steve up with the times. with that being said, steve has gotten nothing but warm responses from his official coming out. he started with telling his close friends, then his team, pepper encouraged him to make an announcement to the public. what steve would ever do without pepper, he honestly didn't know. after getting changed from his tact suit into more comfortable loungewear, the man wandered through the tower, making his way to the kitchen. steve looked through the refrigerator, letting a soft sigh fall past his lips as he searched for something to satiate his hunger. the man stirred, sensing movement to his left. "hey sam," steve rumbled lowly, a smile playing at his lips as his friend walked across the kitchen. sam turned to face the blonde, only after having just rummaged through the cabinet looking for chips. the two carried on friendly conversation, sam bringing up the pressure that steve must have been under the past few weeks. "it's not that bad," steve hummed with a shrug of his shoulders. sam responded with a simple shake of his head, walking over and giving steve's shoulder a slight squeeze as he passed him. "if you ever feel like blowing off some steam, i know a place," the man said with a smile and a wink, leaving shortly after. at that, it left steve wondering what he could have meant. his curiosity got the best of him, as it always did, and steve brought it up to sam when he saw him next. to his surprise, steve was given a recommendation for a gentleman's club. this wasn't any ordinary strip club: it featured both women and men. despite having been comfortable in his sexuality, steve hadn't necessarily pursued any of the genders where the public eye could see him. not that he was ashamed, just the thought of the scandal that the avengers would be put through. "captain america seen at a gay bar!" was the headline that steve decided would do the most damage with the least amount of work, he has played this possibility out a few times in his head, more than he would have liked to admit. he had voiced this concern with sam, his friend promising that this specific joint was known for being discreet. just what steve needed, discreet. he thanked sam for the recommendation, keeping the information in the back of his mind as he went along with the rest of his afternoon, soon turning into night. as the blonde laid in bed, he thought of all the pros and cons of going to this club. deciding that he had had a long day already, steve called it a night, though the thought crossed his mind countless times during his sleep.

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