𝑯𝒐𝒎𝒐𝒔𝒆𝒙𝒖𝒂𝒍 𝒄𝒂𝒕𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒔 𝒂 𝒈𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒄𝒆

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[𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷]

Home is where the heart is.

Those were the last words my father spoke to me before he passed away. In a cold hospital bed with presence of the 'most qualified doctor' who was disgustingly calm.

I guess that was the universe fucking with me, because a year later I was tested for any traces of flesh eating bacteria (what my father suffered from). And instead of getting just a file saying that I was free of the disease I got my heart taken.

That may be why I hate what the medical field has become and why I hate hospitals in general. The year is 4020 and to say the least- humans have advanced in technology substantially. Most of the human race is at least 32% plastic and/or has some fake limb, organ ect.

This feat is particularly due to a small family business that launched an idea and the world did the rest of the work. At least these are the rumors I've heard. Being born into such a world though isn't very healthy for lack of a better word. 

"Tae!!! Did you hear anything I said?"

I snap my head to Jimin whose expression isn't very impressed. I smile lightly apologizing, "Sorry. Sorry. I was zoning out."

"Hm? Who were you zoning out on?" Jimin questions me with a cheeky smirk.

I roll my eyes and I go back to eating my sweetbun. This however doesn't stop Jimin as he turns around and his eyes lay on the new exchange student.

Slowly letting my glasses fall back into place from on top of my head, I take a long sip from my coffee. I can feel Jimin's eyes on me.

"Oh. I see." His fingers lock together and his chin rests on the bridge of his interlocked hands. I roll my eyes as a blush rushes my cheeks.

"Listen Jimin-"

"I'm listening."

I sigh and try to keep my thoughts under wraps, explaining myself. My lips turning into a tight thin line, "There's no harm in looking at some eye candy. It heals the soul."

"Eye candy? I'm sure that's not all you were thinking of," He messes with his hair and winks at me. Standing up I grab my jacket and put it on. Keeping my own light brown hair in my eyes. "Oh come Tae! The new medical major. Really??"

A brighter blush fills my face while my eyes go wide, "Thanks for using full volume," I sling my bag over my shoulder and pick up my drink. "I'm leaving." Turning away from our table I start to walk out of the coffee establishment.

"Hey, hey wait up!!" Hurriedly grabbing his things he meets me at the door. He follows me outside but struggles to get his jacket on. Clicking my tongue I hold his bag and tea for him while he attempts to put his bulky jacket back on - tapping my foot impatiently. "Ha. Thank you!" His face brightens up and I nod giving him his things.

We keep walking and conversation continues about the new medical student. Mostly Jimin asking if I had a thing for doctors now. Which I don't. He just had a really intriguing vibe.

"No. No. Tae you can't say this wasn't a life changing moment!?!" Jimin skips slightly trying to keep up with my brisk pace.

"It wasn't though..." I slow down a bit seeing as he was having trouble. I switch which hand is holding my cup seeing as it feels like -50 out here and I don't want my fingers to fall off. Winter has always been a bitch.

"Out of the 5 years I've known you, you've never even thought of ever looking in a doctors direction," Jimin flips and starts walking backwards trying to read my face, "And now? Mr. Hotty exchange student from the medical unit?" He then looks around dramatically and starts walking in line with me again. "This shit ain't making sense."

"Can't I admire a well figured man that has somehow graced me with his immaculate presence?" I exhale a deep breath and throw my empty coffee in the passing garbage can.


I smile knowing that this was the end of the conversation. But alas Jimin doesn't ever shut up.

"If he wasn't dressed in a WHITE COAT!"

The surrounding people look over, some trying to mind their own business but getting sidetracked with Jimin's loud and dominating voice.

"Okay, you win. Can we just drop it?" I say this and drop my tone to a whisper. Tugging Jimin's jacket and quickly getting inside. He chuckles in response and we don't talk about it the rest of the way to class.


"I know a rumor has been going around that the semester final will be a collaboration with another class."

Our professor stands in the middle of the room with all of the student facing her. While explaining this her heels click on the floor and with every click my anxiety grows.

"And I'm telling you that that rumor is true. This class, along with another class, will have a project due at the end of this semester. It will be-"

"Yo Tae did you hear that..." Jimin takes the time to lean over and whisper this to me. I have half a brain cell right now to slap him.

"I'm pretty sure everyone did." Namjoon, who is right behind us, replies with a snarky remark.

Namjoon and I cover our laughs, while Jimin rolls his eyes. We all fall silent and listen to the professor once again.

"Your partner will be randomly selected and all of the information on the project will be given to you tomorrow. This is an out of class assignment, you will have to make your own time to meet up and discuss." She stops in the middle of the room with her hands clasped together, "Any questions?"

Nobody raises their hands and she goes on with the lesson of the day. A sigh escapes me as I realize I'll have to work with an egotistical overachiever who's rich parents thought being a doctor is commendable and a great honour. Honestly how am I going to survive.

If you came from Devils Advocate then thank you for checking this story out!! If you found it by just bopping about thank you toooo!!

I will be updating this series on Saturdays
Hope you enjoy

Just a disclaimer - this is all an opinion and obviously not my actual (or Taes but that's a given) beliefs. Doctors are really neat people... So don't get offended -

Bye byyerer I hope this chapter wasn't too confusing


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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: May 21, 2020 ⏰

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