Back From the Grave

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This is what truly happened after The battle. Alex woke up in the hospital and the others were claimed dead. Their bodies had disappeared from the battle so there was no evidence other then the blood. Zoeya who has a connection with notch knows what happened, but can Alex save them when she had killed them originally?

Unknown POV

  I had to clean up their mess. They all weren't supposed to die just yet. They have much more to do. Stupid Herobrine making the hybrid girl kill everyone then attempting to kill her just to cover your own tracks. My apprentice saw it all and reported it.

  "Umm, is there anything else you need?" The little technomage next to me asked.

  "No, Zoeya. Go back to the overworld and make some friends." I tell her giving a smile.

  "Can I talk to Alex?" She jumped up in happiness at the thought of seeing the crazy little hybrid.

  "Of course, just be careful." I start walking towards the glowstone portal.

  "I will be careful." She promised, "Bye Notch." She called as she jumped into the portal.
Alex/Yanought's POV

I slowly woke up to find myself, A still alive and B in a hospital. My instant reaction is to try to get up. That was a fail on my part seeing as I had a huge hole in my chest before. Just as I laid back a doctor came in. Man I hate doctors.

"I see your awake. What is your name miss? We have no records of you." The doctor asked me, not at all being subtle about it. I roll my eyes.

"My name is Alexandra. And you wouldn't have any records about me anyways." I attempt to sit up but the damn doctor pushes me back down.

"You shouldn't strain yourself. You had a huge wound in your chest, and if you don't mind me asking how did you get it. We have some witnesses saying Herobrine did it but you can never be too sure." He said the last part like he thought the people were crazy.

"Well doctor, Herobrine did I fact shoot me with a fireball that should have killed me on impact. Thankfully I had a small magical shield up so it did not kill me." In side my head I start sobbing thinking of how I had killed every single TC member.

"Oh. Alexandra do you know what happened?" I knew instantly what he was referring too.

"Do you want the long, or short version doctor?" I answer his question with a question.

"The shortened version please." I think about it for a second.

"Simply put, an army of squids attacked and killed all the Sky army recruits. The death of the generals is the Technomage Zoeya and I's fault. But before you start incriminating me, I had no recollection of anything but Herobrine's orders so I followed them blindly. I wasn't until I almost died that my memories returned." I relax my muscles and close my eyes.

The man next to me must have left the room for I heard the door open and shut. I think into my head hoping to god that Kiwi and Ace are still alive and well, 'Hello, Ace, Kiwi, you guys there?'. 'We are alive, weak but alive.' Kiwi calls out to me. 'Yeah, but the weakness is your fault.' Ace grumbles making me laugh. 'We should find out where we are. I don't want to end up in a psychos lab.' Kiwi shivers in my head. 'Kay. I'll ask around.'

A nurse comes in with some food right as I come back to reality. "Hello Alexandra, we didn't know what you ate so we brought some cooked meat, a small piece of raw meat and an apple." The lady showed me the tray with food. Pushing a button on the side of the bed it turns into a chair sorta. I reach out and grab the cooked piece of meat and eat it hungrily, then I eat the apple, last I swallow the raw meat, feeding all three of us, aka me Ace, and Kiwi.

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