Back to their place!

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"Alright, we're here." Bender gestured to the red factory looking thing as if he was a car dealer. The Planet Express sign glimmered in the dim moonlight. I smiled softly, remembering what I came here for. Well, it's not like these people could teleport me back to the past or anything, but Bender did mention a Professor, so... We walked inside, the warmth of the building telling me directly that I was chilled to the bone. The inside was mostly impressively clean, the rooms strategically tidied up and in order. The robot lead me upstairs to a round table, a meeting in place. A presentation chart loomed over the table, the rate of the chart going down.

"And that's why we don't leave Zoidberg alone with ANY of the Professor's hamsters, Fry." A Jamaican man glared at the chart marked 'Professor's hamster supply'. Bender knocked on the doorframe, a dent where he'd stopped. A strange array of creatures looked his way, I hid behind him, only half terrified of that weird crab thing over there.

"Hey listen, I can think of a thousand other productive ways to spend my time, but I've got someone I'd think would fit in just fine here. This is Y/n, Juice Box, say hi!" Bender gripped my shoulders and twirled me out of my hiding place, suddenly I was the main attraction.

"Uh- hi there." I stuttered. "Listen, so, you might find this hard to believe, but I-"

"Ooh! Lemme guess!" A boy's hand shot up, he smiled dumbly. "You found a jar of peanut butter but it rolled under an abandoned couch in some alleyway so you came here so we could fish it out for you!" I paused. What the fuck did I just witness? I inhaled, ready to protest, when Bender interrupted instead.

"Twat waffle! Shut your yap and let the lady finish!" He walked over and fucking smacked the guy in the back of his head. After he was done beating up on this dumbass he nodded toward me, a signal to continue.

"I came from the past. 1000 years, precisely, and I was just thinking that 'hey, maybe I could get used to this timeline because my last life sucked ass' and well... Bender found me in line for a suicide booth, I begged him to take me to you guys and here I am, a heap of sad, useless flesh that could work here to get used to this dumbass fucking timeline." I stopped to catch my breath, my brain couldn't even comprehend what the fuck I just said. The jumble of words seemed to get across to the crew, though. The boy in the red coat made an interested sound.

"I got here the same way you did, then!" He blurted, standing up. My eyes widened.

"Really? From those weird ass tubes like, five streets down?" I squealed, rising to balance on my tip toes. I took a step forward in interest.

"Yes~! Oh my God, I'm not alone anymore!" The guy howled happily. I laughed, a real one this time. If I had ended up anywhere else in this city I would've been screwed. A purple haired cyclops chick eyed us in confusion, but finally put a hand to her face and muttered a small "Thank God". I gasped to the red coated man.

"Wait, I remember you! You're the kid that went missing a year ago!" I paused as I tried to remember his name... "Mm... Uh... Ah, you're... Fry! Philip Fry!" I was so close to bouncing with happiness I could almost feel the nausea afterwords! I found someone who could relate to the time traveling bullshit!

"Good news, everyone!" A wavering, elderly voice called from the other side of the room, interrupting our excitement. "I've decided to experiment with street rats, instead of those poor, poor hamsters!" He aimed at the Jamaican man, who smiled in confusion.

"Good for you, Professor! We have a bit of a dilemma, however..." The man turned to me and looked me straight in the eye. I took a sharp breath. "This young lady came from 2000, like Fry did, and she's looking to work here." He explained. The Professor looked blankly at me.

"Ou-uh? Ah, yes, yes, that's wonderful! We'll arrange things tomorrow, it's too late tonight. Do you have anywhere to stay?" The old man asked, shuffling up to examine me. I blinked.

"Nope." I simply answered, looking to the employees. The Professor pushed up his glasses and did the same. Randomly, he pointed at Bender.

"How about you take her in tonight? Unless maybe she can stay with Fry, in the closet?" The old man threw his arm back down, honestly his questions sounded more like demands. What did he mean by the closet? Things were out of context, here.

"Awe man... Fryyyyy.... Let her stay in the closet..." Bender whined, turned to Fry with a pouty face. Fry shrugged.

"Okay! I'm happy to have another time traveler in my closet." He cheered, looking to me with a playful grin. Bender nudged him.

"We've gone over this, it's my closet." Bender said. Fry rolled his eyes.

"Tomato, Tomahto." He crossed his arms.

"Stop your bickering and go buy her a blanket or something! It's after hours! Y/n, tomorrow we'll clean up the spare room in here, unless you like staying with them." The Professor waved us away, we obeyed, going back the way we came. Down the stairs, through the door, off to their house or something. So far this was an interesting adventure. I pulled out my Sunkist, which was right about half way, and took a sip. Fry blinked in confusion, eyeing the bottle.

"A Sunkist? Where'd you get that?" He wondered. I shook the bottle a bit for him to see. Why was everyone making such a big deal about my damn soda?

"From my house. Well, my old house, rather..." I replied. "Why, do you want some?" Fry nodded almost eagerly, I handed him the bottle. His face lit up as the savory flavor coated his tongue.

"I haven't seen one of these since 2000." He realized, passing the bottle back.

"That kinda sucks. Wait, does that mean this is the only Sunkist that exists? You can't find one of these anywhere else?" I asked. So there I was, a bottle of bubbly orange substance at hand that was... hmm, about a quarter full, about to be told that this was the last Sunkist ever. Well if I had known that, I would've brought more (That would've numbered to only two bottles, since I needed to go shopping before I decided to die)! Fry nodded, cueing my mental breakdown.

"No way. No... No way." I stumbled on my words a bit, staring down at the bottle. I gasped, looking up at Fry.

"What if we cloned it and made our own business?" I asked, swirling the liquids inside. My face fell. "No, it'd only be the gross aftermath of the soda that would make it inside of the bottles." Fry had no clue what I was talking about. Well, he didn't mind at all. He put his hand on my shoulder and laughed.

"Bender, I think she'll want some Slurm when we get to the house." He smiled, a goofy one, but still charming. I returned the smile even though I had no clue what Slurm was. No matter.

"I guess. Maybe we can binge All my Circuits, too." The robots voice echoed down the street. Fry chuckled.

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