Secret Summer

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It was summer after that tiring semester when I first met him. The sun is about to set when I saw him sitting at a coconut tree. He was drinking a beer and seemed so sad. I was walking along the seaside and was continuously looking at him. As I was looking at him, I noticed tears suddenly fell from his eyes. I wanted to go near him and ask why is he crying but I don't just want to ask someone whom I don't know yet. He then stood up and went somewhere.

My friend texted me invited me to go at the seaside concert. She said she'll treat me some drinks bcus it's been months since the last time we saw each other. I agreed at her invitation bcus I want to get drunk and let myself enjoy life. I wore my flowery off-shoulder dress and a summer hat. The seaside is just 10 mins walk from our home since we live near it. While walking, I saw a familiar face. It looks like the guy that I saw at the seaside yesterday and seems like he had so many friends to come along. I was at his back bcus there's a line from checking the tickets of the viewers. My friend surprised me and sneaked next to me at the line. He looked at me. I can't focus on what my friend is telling me and even asked me if I was listening. I told her that I was.

Then we got inside the event's place and we sat at the table two tables away from the stage. We both ordered drinks and some snacks. The event is about to start and saw that guy again. He sat with his friends near the stage. Our eyes met. Suddenly my heart beated so fast. I looked away and I noticed he was still looking at me. The waiter came and hand us our drinks. I drank the whole bottle at once. My friend was shocked why I drank and finished the whole bottle. I told her it's been a while since I did this, why not enjoy it. She then agreed with me. The concert then started and I was enjoying the songs being sang by the band. While enjoying the music, I told my friend that I'll go at the comfort room. The truth is, I went far at the back of the concert venue itself. It felt so hot and I want some cold and fresh air. I sat at the sand holding the can of the beer I sneaked from our table. As I was breathing the fresh air from this dark area, lighted by the moonlight, tears fell from my eyes. I didn't know why but it hurts so much. It was so tiring. Working while studying. I kept telling them I want to stop and rest but they told me to continue it. They didn't care how hard it was for me. But I don't want to go back working while studying this coming school year. The given allowance and tuition is more than enough to me. Why kill myself from something that I don't gain any benefits to? Even this summer they want me to have summer job, I wanted to rest. I wanted to have time for myself. I leaned my hands in the sand at the back. I closed my eyes and breath the fresh air. My phone suddenly vibrated and my friend called me. She asked me where I was and told her right away that I was coming back. Then I went straightly to our table. The concert ended so well and we both had fun.

My friend told me she's going home and I walked at the seaside alone holding a can of beer again. The moon seemed so lovely to view. My hat flied away to my back. I was running while catching it. Then it fell in the sand. A guy picked the hat. As I was coming near, I realised it was him. He handed me my hat and smiled to me. I thanked him and walked forward but he held my arm. I looked at him and he told me that there were two guys who were planning to talk to me and bring me at a motel. I was shocked and told me to pretend the two of us as lovers. I agreed right away bcus I was so scared. I held his shoulders as we walked at the seaside. He talked to me that moment to make me feel ease. He introduced his self to me. We were same age and I didn't notice that we're also the same year in college. He was studying a business course while I told him I was studying literature. He told me that he's having a vacation at his uncle's house. I didn't ask where exactly and I bet he's just near. We talked about so many things: school, house, and even some hobbies. It was fun talking to him. We talked like we've been friends for so long and I'm comfortable talking to him. His eyes are like the stars shining from a clear sky, his cheeks and nose are so wonderful and his smile is like telling me that he's going to make me happy as long as I stay with him that moment. I don't know why but that's how I felt while looking at him. When we both noticed we were like few kilometers away and nearly the mountain at the seaside, he offered me to bring me home. It's like I had no choice but to say yes since he's like protecting me from danger. When I got home, he invited me to go visit the seaside tomorrow. I said I would go.

I went at the seaside the day after and wore my short jeans and vertically stripped black and white sleeveless shirt. I saw him topless and damn his body is really....I was so speechless that time. He approached me when I saw him. He told me were going to ride the boat. I asked him why me. While he's wearing his shirt, he whispered to me he was so scared to be alone that he can't ask some of his friends so he asked me. I smiled and said I'll go. I ride the boat and he assisted me. The boat was kinda big for the two of us. It's not just a boat controlled by paddle but a machine and there's someone who controls it. What's amazing was it has a roof. He apologized to me if he asked me to ride right away. He told his uncle to use it and he don't want to waste the effort of his uncle's men just for him to ride it. It was so sunny that morning. It's so wonderful to have viewed the fishes under the clear water of the sea. He was standing beside me and held onto the bar under the roof. He was wearing his sunglasses that makes him looks like the son of the richest family of the city.

That's where it all started. After that adventure, he asked for my phone number so that he'll have someone to be with whenever he wants to go discover the province where we're both staying. I still don't know why it was me but I guess as I was looking at our neighborhood we're the only ones who're same age. Well? nobody in my family asked me where I was going since I told them I want to have fun the whole summer though they want me to work. I have enough savings for me to spend for the whole summer. I don't need to ask them budget for my spending. It was definitely fun. We'll go mountain climbing at the nearest mountain, we'll go fishing, we'll go biking at the not so scary forest, we'll go help planting at their farm, we'll go have picnic together, and I can't remember some because we'd done so many things that summer. Some people asked if we're couple but we're just friends.

It was almost sunset and we're both at the seaside. I was so confused on how I feel that moment. I don't know if I should confess or maybe it's just another infatuation. He was looking at the sky. I was looking at him. Tears fell from my eyes as I look at him. I don't know why but I don't want to let go of him. He done some things to me that I didn't experience from my past lovers. He did some surprises and kept treating me like we're a couple when we're actually not. He looked at me and asked why I was crying. I ran away and went home. I cried so hard when I went inside my room. He was knocking from our door. I told people from our house not to let him in. Why does it felt like that? I don't know. I really don't know.

The start of the school year was the week before I started preparing my things going home. It was more than a week since I started ignoring him. After the night I ran away, I started ignoring his calls and just stayed inside my room. I red some of my unfinished books on my bookshelf. My family got curious why I was not going out. I told them I wanted to rest. But they told me to get out for a while so it won't look like I wasted some time of adventure. I got out of the house wearing ny clothes at home. I went to the seaside watching some young teenagers playing volleyball. I sat under the coconut tree beside the nipa hut. The sky is about to turn dark and it felt cold that moment. Then somebody sat down beside me. I looked at it and it was him. Kim Mingyu, the lovely man I fell in love with. He kissed my forehead. He leaned his head on my shoulders and asked me to stay and enjoy that moment. When he told me that, I felt something. I looked at him again and noticed his eyes were closed. His phone kept on vibrating on the sand. I looked at his phone. That moment, I knew he's already taken.

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