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It was the end....

My brother and I were running out of bullets while the police and SWAT continued to swarm the building, firing at us with whatever they had.

We thought we'd get out of here alive with the cash in our duffel bags and our hearts pumping adrenaline through our veins but we messed up in our calculations at somepoint in time.

"ARGH!" I tried to shoot the cops but after a while, I realized that I ran out of bullets and decided to throw the gun into one of their faces.

"We can't do anything! We're surrounded and now unarmed!" My brother shouted. I began to think until I suddenly felt my shoulder grow cold.

I was shot.

My brother looked over with wide eyes, the look of worry striking his facial features. I held onto my shoulder and ran until the SWAT blocked the only way out.

Cussing under my breath, I looked around quickly for a way out only to find out that I was officially trapped.

They seized their firing and began to advance towards me. Reaching to grab my brother's hand, I realized that he was no longer with me.

I took a quick glance to find my brother on the ground, unconcious. I bit the inner side of my cheek, my blood boiling with rage at the site. 'They must've hit him on the side of the head with their stupid rifles. . . .' I thought, hoping he wasn't dead.

I backed up against the wall, thinking that it was officially the end of my life. I had nowhere to go, nowhere to turn to, nowhere to run. I had nothing else to protect myself with.

I watched as they began to aim their guns at me, time slowing down.

This was it. If only I had lived a better life before it had gotten to this.

I prepared myself for the rain of bullets that would take me out as the sound of gunshots roared within the lobby.

I quickly looked down and took a deep breath, ready to accept fate. Once a second or two had passed after the guns fired, I opened my eyes.

Something was up. . . .

I was still alive.

I looked up to see it all happen in a big blur. It happened so fast that I couldn't register it. I began trying to figure it out, seeing a form infront of me, their back against me to shield me from the open fire.

I looked up to see that familiar face looking at me. That very face that I thought that I'd never see again. . . . .

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2022 ⏰

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