Chapter Five - Lost

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Weeks later, Aizawa finds himself in the deserts of Bialya. As he gets up, Aizawa can't recall how or why he got there.

Aizawa: What the hell? How did I end up here? God my head....

The Pro Hero took a moment to clear his head. As he did, Aizawa tried to remember what happened, but couldn't. Suddenly, gunfire was heard.

Aizawa: That doesn't sound good. Better go check it out.

Aizawa then readied his Combat Scarves and made his way to where the gunfire was coming from. As he peeked from the cover he was in, he saw Artemis and Kid Flash fighting against a squadron of Bialyan Soldiers. 

Aizawa: What the hell? 

Aizawa noticed something familiar about the young Heroes, but he couldn't put his finger on it. As the young heroes fought the soldiers, Aizawa noticed a few Snipers about to open fire. 

Aizawa: (Those snipers might cause some trouble! I better take them down!)

Aizawa then slowly moved through the plains and made his way to the vantage point where the Snipers were in. 

Bialyan Sniper: Focus fire on the intruders! Queen Bee wants them eliminated immediately!

Aizawa: Not so fast.

As the Snipers turned around, Aizawa quickly disarms the snipers and takes them out just as fast. When the gunfire stopped, Aizawa met up with the young heroes. 

Kid Flash: Are you friendly?

Aizawa: If I wanted to attack, I would have. What are you doing here?

Artemis: We should ask you the same thing? Did the League send you or did someone else? 

Aizawa: No one sent me. I'm not sure how I ended up here. I'm going to assume you two don't know either? 

Before Kid Flash or Artemis could answer, Miss Martian arrives and meets with the heroes. They are caught off guard by her presence. 

Miss Martian: There you are!

Kid Flash: Hey there hottie!

Artemis: Really? Now? 

Aizawa: What the hell is going? Explain yourself. 

Miss Martian: Oh hello Megan! You all lost your memories too! 

Aizawa: What are you talking about? 

Miss Martian: We're on a team! You're Kid Flash! Wally! And you're Artemis! And how could I forget the Erasure Hero Eraserhead?

Aizawa was taken aback by this. Despite sensing something familiar about her, he had no idea how she knew him. 

Aizawa: All right kid, I think it's time you answered some questions. 

Miss Martian then proceeds to tell everyone about their lost memories about how they were part of a team formed by the Justice League. Upon hearing this, Aizawa lets out a sigh. 

Aizawa: How the hell did I let the League drag me into this? 

After that, they met up with Robin who had just finished taking down some Bialyan Soldiers. After some exchange of banter with Kid Flash, Robin notices Aizawa. 

Robin: You're the last person I expected to be here. How did Batman get your involved?

Aizawa: To be honest kid, I don't quite know myself. Maybe we can get some answers. 

Miss Martian: Now that we got most of us here, maybe I can try to restore our memories! If we all link up, I can help restore what's been lost!

Aizawa and Artemis had their reservations about Miss Martian probing into their minds. Aizawa never cared for telepaths. 

Artemis: You want to paw through our private thoughts?!

Miss Martian: I don't mean to intrude, but.....

Robin: You need to hack our minds to figure out what happened to us. Got it, go. 

Kid Flash: My brain's all yours beautiful! Just try to not let it's brilliance overwhelm you!

Robin: Or underwhelm you. Hey, why isn't anyone just whelmed?

Aizawa took a moment to think about this. While he wasn't comfortable with allowing a telepath to go in his mind, he knew it was necessary. 

Aizawa: Do whatever you have to. Just don't stay any longer than you have to. Understood?

Aizawa's stern demeanor gave some assurance to Artemis. After much thought, she relented. 

Artemis: Only the last six months. And only what you need. 

With that, Miss Martian began sifting everyone's memories to find out what had happened. Eventually, they learned that they were sent on a mission by Batman to investigate a power surge in the Bialyan Desert. They soon remembered that Aqualad was out there in the Bialyan Desert somewhere along with Superboy. 

Aizawa: All right everyone, listen up. Now that we know what happened, we move on with the mission. 

Kid Flash: What about Kaldur? I doubt this Biaylan weather's good for the gills. Especially since it's been at least 24 hours. 

Aizawa took a moment to think out the situation. He realized that Aqualad's Atlantean physiology would leave him in serious danger. 

Artemis: Wally's right. We can't just leave Kaldur out there!

Aizawa: And we won't. Robin? Can you track him on your scanner?

Robin: Let me check....

Robin then activates his scanner his scanner and tries to locate Aqualad's signature. Robin then quickly picks up a signal.

Aizawa: You found him?

Robin: Yeah. He's close but not moving. 

Aizawa: That's not a good sign. We need to get to his position quickly. 

Miss Martian: What about Superboy? He wasn't even born six months ago. He's operating on animal instinct!

Kid Flash: Yeah no kidding....

Aizawa: First we find Aqualad. Once we get him somewhere safe, then we move in on the energy signature. I'm sure Superboy can handle himself for now. Now let's go!

With that being said, Aizawa led the Team to Aqualad's position. With their memories restored, Aizawa and the Team now moved to complete their mission and save their friends.

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