Chapter 2

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In the courtyard of The University, a young man and a young lady were sparring, their training sabers clashing against one another as both sought to claim victory over the other. Each clearly and calculated attack clashing against a nicely formulated defense from both opponents, it is clear that they are every bit each others match as is evident by both of their inability to land a hit against one another.

"It seems we are at a draw Ouri." The young man panted out exhaustedly. "Once again." He said, still holding his training saber unwaveringly.

"I suppose you're right." She panted, a bead of sweat dripping from her brow. "It is nice to get the exercise though." She chuckled almost breathlessly.

"Go again?" The Young man asked, readying his stance once more.

"Always, Necro." She said smirking as she also got back into her stance.

"One moment please." Said the voice of a familiar masked woman in black as she walked up the University steps.

The young woman, Ouriana, narrowed her eyes at her. "The Voice." She said quietly as she lowered her weapon.

The young man, Necronimous, was silent as he stared at her. Lowering his weapon as well.

"Correct my dear Ouriana, it's been quite some time since I have spoken to the two of you." She said as she finished ascending the steps and stopped some feet away from them, sensing their uncomfortability and keeping her distance out of respect.

"15 years, when we first started at the academy. You relayed a message from Mother congratulating us on our admission. Nothing since, not one word." Necro said coldly.

"I...apologize for The Archon's reticence, she has had much to deal with over the years including defending our beloved Imperium from being discovered by the Two Factions. But trust me, she has never stopped thinking of you, she asks about you both everyday just to know you are safe and doing well. I am a humble servant of Our Archon so I cannot presume to know her thoughts or feelings, but if I had to hazard an educated guess I would say she loves you both more than anything, more than she has ever loved anything or anyone." The Voice said, stepping closer when she saw that her words were making the Twins' eyes water.

"Why...has she never said anything? All We have ever wanted...was to know her." Necro said, looking away. A single tear falling from his face.

"I know... but she knows you, she knows everything about the two of you. Your favorite foods, your favorite colors, your most hated vegetables, the classmates who had your attention in the University. The list goes on, she made an effort to know who her children are, even if she couldn't do it personally." The Voice said.

"So she knows a few details about us, is that supposed to make her mother of the year?" Ouriana said confrontationally.

The Voice sighed. "No. No it isn't, I can't tell you why she did what she did or didn't do. All I can say is The Archon has a plan, and you both are central to it, speaking of..." Pulls out her datapad and forwards them both files on the operation.

They pulled out their own datapads and opened the files that the Voice sent them.

"What? You want us to go on an infiltration assignment? But we've only just graduated from the University." Ouriana said as she read through the file.

"This seems more like a job for Draconian Intelligence than us, we haven't even seen real battle what makes you think we can do this?" Necro asked.

"Draconian Intelligence has done their part in this operation, now is time for a more powerful and influential hand- or hands- in this operation. And it is not I who thinks you can do this, it is The Archon and The Exarch who know you can. Exarch Selene, offered your names to us in our search of candidates, The Archon confirmed that you were ready and allowed us to offer you your rightful places as key elements in this operation." The Voice said.

"Mother and Mom...believe in us?" Ouriana asked.

The Voice nodded. "They could've chosen anyone, and they picked you two." She said. "If you accept, The other Executors and I will do everything we can to make you as prepared as possible for what you will be doing. You will be learning from the best that the Imperium has to offer."

The twins exchanged looks. "If mother thinks we can do it, then all anger I have towards her aside, I'm in." Necro said.

"If Necro's in, then so am I. When do we start preparing?" Ouri said.

"Excellent, if you would like I can get The Wrath and The Saber to begin your combat strategy and battle proficiency training as soon as possible." Said The Voice.

"I would rather not waste anymore time than needed, if this operation is as big as this file suggests then we can't afford to wait. Get them." Necro said to The Voice, tossing his training saber to the ground. "And we're going to need actual weapons as well."

"Of course my Archoni, what mage classes are you so that The Saber and I can get to work crafting new sabers specially for you?" Asked The Voice.

"I am an Eradicator-class mage, and I would prefer to have a lightsaber pike." said Necro.

"I'm also an Eradicator-class mage, but if I could put in a request?" Asked Ouriana.

"Of course my Archonis, anything." Said The Voice.

"Make it more versatile than a lightsaber pike or a simple single-blade lightsaber. Surprise me with the design." Ouriana said.

The Voice thought for a moment. "I think I know just the thing. We will begin work on both of your lightsabers immediately, The Wrath and Saber will be in contact momentarily." She bowed to both of them. "Thank you for your time, I will see you when we have your finished masterpieces." The Voice said as she left the courtyard.

Once she had left. "Our first operation...Fuck." Said Necro.

"I know, how in the hell are we going to subvert both the factions? All we've ever known is The Imperium." Ouriana said as she sat on a stone bench.

Necro sat next to her. "I guess we will have to go with the motions, we know how to lie how do you think we got away with as much as we did in University." Necro said with a chuckle. "Plus it's a chance to see the galaxy, I don't think we've even seen any of the other planets under Imperium rule. Now we can see how other planets live under the other factions."

"That sounds exciting, thrilling actually. Who knows, maybe we'll meet some people worth our time while we're at it." Ouriana said with a wink.

"Maybe." He chuckled at the thought. "Can you imagine the look on mom's face if we just come back with strangers from strange lands? Hilarious, I can't wait." He said with a smirk.

"Shall we get something to eat?  You know, before we have to talk to more of mothers Executors." Asked Ouriana.

"Absolutely, I'm starved." He said as they stood up.

When they went to leave their path was blocked by two familiar figures in black. One was a much taller and muscular woman than The Voice, and the other a man who was shorter than the woman but still seemed to be slender and semi-muscular. The Wrath and The Saber.

"Greetings my Archoni." Said the woman, a deep and commanding tone to her voice, she bowed to them.

"It is a pleasure to be overseeing your operational training." Said the man, a higher tone to his voice, bowing as well.

"We apologize for interrupting you on your way to your meal, but in our experience eating is best saved until after we've taught you everything we have to teach." Said the Wrath.

"Indeed, there are certain...topics that tend to make people queasy. Such as the various ways a person can be tortured or the average pain thresholds of a person based on their physical and mental attributes. Those are only two, there are far grislier topics." Said The Saber.

"We understand Executors. Let's just get this over with, we have preparations to take care of before we go through with the operation." Said Ouriana.

"Of course my Archonis. If you would follow us, we will begin shortly." The Wrath said as she and The Hand turned and began walking away, Necro and Ouri followed, not out of a desire to learn the brutality of war but an eagerness to learn as much about battle strategy and leading as possible.

Thus marks the first step in the galactic journey of Necronimous and Ouriana Ragnos.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2020 ⏰

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